A Great Understanding of the Harmony Between the Spirit, Thoughts, and Body to Live a Refreshing Existence

3rd July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What a wonderful thing it could be when we’re living in perfect harmony with our spirit, thoughts and entire body. Should you consider it, if we do, we wouldn’t be affected by fear, but rather we will feel healthy, happy, confident, contented and more importantly, we’ll be at peace with our creator. While this may not seem to become humanly possible, there have been individuals who have mastered the art of understanding sweet harmony in between their thoughts, entire body and spirit, which makes their lives more meaningful and stress free.

Despite several attempts from countless individuals to achieve this state of peace, no one has any concrete evidence of anyone reaching these heights of peace and tranquility in this existence, or the life to come. In fact, for a human being to have total control over their spirit, thoughts, and entire body, they will require to achieve perfect resonance with the spirit of God, simply because we’re weak and unable to complete it on our own. As a result we ought to attempt as best as possible to channel our energies on getting our minds and bodies to harmonize with our spirit, to reduce daily stress and feelings of depression.

However, when we undergo stress and we can’t concentrate on what we’re supposed to complete, the stress will improve and there is going to be a break down in our health, which further leads to fatigue and severe depression. It’s all a vicious cycle, so we ought to attempt to become more relaxed so that you can achieve that perfect harmony in between our spirit, thoughts and entire body.

Let’s look at some methods of reducing stress which ought to assist us live a more peaceful life.

Stress begins within the thoughts – You ought to never permit it to take over your thoughts, entire body or spirit simply because it will definitely make you sick and ultimately diseased.

Don’t consider problems all the time – There will always be problems and challenges, just do not permit it to consume each and every second of your thought existence. Instead of thinking about the problems, attempt thinking about the solutions to the problems.

Face your challenges without being fearful – When you are brave, you’ll take on any problem by utilizing a positive approach to resolve your issues.
Confront your fears head on – You’ll come to understand that not all things are as bad as you imagined, simply because when you are victorious over your fears, you will be able to move forward and live a stress free existence.

Express your feelings – Don’t attempt to bottle up everything inside you. Attempt talking to your friends; you will be surprised to know that friends and family are some of the best counselors around.

Live a healthy existence – Attempt to maintain healthy eating and exercising habits, as this will revitalize your entire body, soul and spirit.

When you have conquered your fears, then you will begin to live a more meaningful and stress free existence, you will definitely sleep better at nights. Moreover, when you have complete control over your untrained and wild lifestyle, you will begin to experience the soothing sense of peace and well-being, as your thoughts, entire body and spirit will blend in perfect harmony.

Brent McNutt enjoys working with healthcare professionals. He is an avid writer for UniformHaven.com, which offers urbane scrubs, landau shoes, and baby phat lab coat. He also likes hiking, exercising, and camping with his family.

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