Matrix Energetics — Many People Have Reported Positive Changes That Have Manifested In Their Lives, And Odd Syncronicities Revolving Around The Mystical Number 7.

29th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Matrix Energetics and Matrix 7 are only similar in name, and in the concept of morphic fields, which are info fields created by similar ideas, thoughts, and visions, which create physical energy.

In a general sense Matrix Energetics is used to connect to whatever morphic field you need to help you in what ever problem you have. It lets the Universe take care of the details after you use a two point technique to connect you with the source of creation.

The Matrix 7 system is designed to connect you to one specific and powerful morphic field. And what awesome morphic field is this? The mystical number 7. Thus, you get an attunement into Matrix 7, and you will learn to connect with your TRUE SELF through a simple symbol. Want to learn more go here to systems like Matrix 7, Matrix Energetics: Matrix Energetics

But very similar to Matrix Energetics, Matrix 7 lets the universe take care of the details, as this is the best way of approaching any kind of manifesting. But don’t be fooled by this, Matrix Energetics and Matrix 7 are indeed totally different systems. And so, with the latter, many people have reported positive changes that have manifested in their lives, and odd syncronicities revolving around the mystical number 7.

The 2 point technique as you can see online, also has proven an obvious effect as people react directly to Matrix Energetics.

This is really lots of great fun and very interesting, but for me personally not much has come from it right now. On the other hand, Matrix 7 has actually brought some serious and positive changes to my life.

Although both systems are really cool, the price difference is vast. My tip: do Matrix 7 first, and then you should do Matrix Energetics.

I started seeing 7 everywhere after I was initiated into the Matrix 7. It really helped me to connect with pure awareness, to my TRUE SELF, to the source of creation. Afterwards it was way easier to overcome desire, and find inner peace, and become one with all that IS. Suddenly you will be connected to the flow of the universe, and I think from this place the biggest changes will come to your life. Matrix 7, as well as Matrix Energetics will take you to this place. Want to learn more go here to systems like Matrix 7, Matrix Energetics: Matrix Energetics


Posted on: June 29, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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