NLP Skills: How To Anchor Helpful Resource States

29th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Whether you have found out about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in a book, or you have had formal training in NLP, it is always worth enhancing your NLP skills. If you bring NLP skills into your everyday life, you give yourself more options about how you live your life. In effect, NLP grants you the methods and practices to improve your relationships, your interaction with others and to achieve excellence in whatever you intend to accomplish.

The topic of this piece is resource states, as talked about in the context of NLP skills. What if you were able to wave an imaginary magic wand and feel any way you want to feel, as soon as you want. Now that would be a gift worth developing!

You realize that there are times when we wish that we could act differently. You will maybe identify with those who are afflicted by stage fright. Even worrying about it beforehand, we can turn ourselves into nervous wrecks. We recall situations when we have been stressed in front of people before, and we might even use our imaginations to think about all the things that could go awry. And guess what, we are not wrong.

You can see from the example that we actually practise getting into bad resource states, such as feeling stressed, on a regular basis. Although these states are not particularly helpful, we evidently know well the process of state induction and there is no reason why we should not implement the same process to generate positive resource states.

Given your previously confirmed proficiency at resource state induction, how would you prefer to feel rather than afraid? You would most likely like to be comfortable and self-assured. Well, you do already know what it is like to be like this. Just settle down and think back to when you last felt peaceful and self-assured. Maybe it was yesterday or perhaps many years ago. Recall everything about it, from how you was standing, how you were breathing, how you felt, what you observed and what you were listening to at the time.

In the unlikely event that you are not able to remember any occasions when you felt the type of states that you are seeking to access, then you possibly know a person who is a role model for you, who you are able to impersonate. Maybe you know them personally or they are a public figure, and you can simply picture how they would tackle your situation and act as they would. See, listen and sense as they would and replicate their behavior.

You may have noticed that sometimes that there little things that trigger memories and all the associated feelings you experienced at the time. Maybe, it is someone giving you a slap on the back that reminds you of how you felt when your father gave you a congratulatory one upon your passing an exam, or perhaps a whiff of a certain perfume brings to mind a romantic dance. These triggers are known as anchors, and as one of your NLP skills, you can choose an appropriate anchor and integrate it into the resource state that you are working on. So, you need to make your chosen state as big and bold as you can and then build in an anchor, such as scratching the tip of your nose. Then, whenever you do this action again, it will bring back the feelings of the resource state automatically.

You are possibly now recognizing the relevance of practising the NLP skills of generating resource states and anchoring. These are NLP techniques that you can apply to all areas of your life. Of course, the benefit of perfecting these skills is that the resulting states will considerably strengthen your communication skills and have a favorable impact on the other individuals that you come into contact with.

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