My Weight Loss Story

23rd June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As I get older, I realize that things that didn’t used to bother me about my body, now do. I am lucky enough to have a family that I love and that love me. {I’ve been heavy all my life.~I have struggled with weight issues most of my life.~For as long as I can remember, I have been overweight When During my teenage years I did not get that heavy. By the time I hit thirty and stepped on a scale I found out that my weight had almost doubled since I turned twenty one. There is no one thing I can point to that led me to the shape I was in. The pounds just seemed to add up throughout the years for with no apparent cause. I have read the message boards at the biggest loser weight loss forum and seen this story repeated by many different people, most of us don’t know how and why we get into the shape that we do.
I was watching television and was inspired by the contestants on the Biggest Loser to do something about my life. I realized that I could make the effort that was needed to lose the weight. I’ve been able to accomplish most things in my life when I put my mind to it. My spouse has a problem with her weight too. My wife and I worked as a team to figure out a solution. We knew that it was going to take more than a six pack ab exercise program, but we weren’t sure exactly what we were going to do until we started to talk to some of the people at the church that we attended and found out they had the same desire to lose weight that we did. Our first step was to find some other people who would forma sort of weight loss club among friends.
The first thing I learned was that having to step on the scale in front of others gave me a tremendous drive to lose weight. I was determined to lose more than at least one person. I even strove to be the big loser every week. Because of my nature, I prefer winning and felt that it was something that I could do.
Shortly after we started the Monday night program, my wife sought out some information about how to lose weight on the internet at sites such as, and she was able to develop a diet and exercise program that we could follow. I was able to do my program in my basement. My first workouts lasted 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Doing more than I could handle could cause injury to myself, and that would not help me lose weight.
Our family began eating very differently. I was never told about how important every meal could be and was prone to skipping meals often. I learned from our research that I should eat smaller meals more often, so that’s what we did.
When I first stated my exercise routine I was able to exercise every other day during the week. It wasn’t a long workout, probably about twenty or twenty five minutes. I also monitored my food intake and made sure that it was in a consistent range. At our first meeting I did not know what to expect. I could tell I’d lost some weight, but I didn’t know how much. I finally had my moment of truth that evening when it was my time to step on the scales. They showed that ten pounds had dissappeareed. Boy, was I on ecstatic.
Every week after that I posted a 3 to 7 lb weight loss. How many pounds that came off of me depended mainly on the amount of effort I put out. I could post huge losses when I worked out 3 or more times a week for 20 to 30 minutes.
I had no idea how much dropping the extra pounds could affect the way I feel. Then I noticed I kept having to take my belt up more and more My level of pep was rising quickly as I worked out. I could not believe that by just doing a few exercises, my body would feel so rejuvenated. Some of the health issues I dealt with were subsiding. We were losing weight together, and both my wife and I were very happy and glad to keep it up. We were succeeding. I might not have done it on television, but I still feel like I won something.

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