Matrix 7 — Was For Me An Incredible Experience!

14th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I had an unusual experience with Matrix 7! Unreal, is all I can say! The attunement was intense and strange.

The funny thing is that in the beginning nothing happened. Well, that’s not true entirely. I began swaying a bit from side to side, during the Matrix 7 attunement, like when using Matrix Energetics.

Not long afterwards, it hit me. And wow, wow, wow! This was like nothing I have ever had before. So did I feel relaxed? no. Feeling happy was not part of it. I didn’t feel sad either. I didn’t feel wonderful, ill, or enlightened. There was no visions, warm tingling feelings, or flashes either.

When it hit me, it felt like there was a tug of war going on inside of me. It was between my logical mind and TRUE SELF, or pure awareness. Though, my TRUE SELF was not really putting up a fight. To be more accurate: my TRUE SELF was simply becoming more apparent to my logical mind, and the logical mind began to panic!

All at once, there I was running around outside in the garden pulling out weeds, doing chores. Was I confused? Yes! What was happening is that in order to maintain control over me my logical mind was making me do practical things around the house. It was ridiculous, and hilarious!

I was glad when my logical mind lost to my TRUE SELF, which effortlessly became more and more apparent to it. A perfect peace came over me. TRUE SELF won by silencing my mind.

It took about half an hour for a complete inner peace to came over me. Then my mind was silent. It was so cool! It was in a state of perfect pure awareness that I found myself in. Matrix 7 is a great system, with an amazing attunement. Get it now is all I can say. You will be attuned into the mystical number 7. If you want to learn about Matrix 7 go here right now: Matrix 7


Posted on: June 14, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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