Winning The Best Man Challenge: Ensure That Your Best Man Wedding Speech Is Perfect

4th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Your best friend is getting married and you have been asked to be the best man. Maybe you’ve been to a couple weddings before, but you had hit the bar a little too early and pretty much missed whatever the Best Man said. Now here you are, slumped over some index cards or your computer, trying to formulate the golden Best Man speech. What are you supposed to say anyway? Is it supposed to be funny? Sad? Appropriate? A little advice can go a long way when creating a best mans speeches, or really any speech in general. Although your speech is important, it doesn’t need to be traumatic at all. In fact, it should be fun! You get to be in the limelight for a little, and who knows, maybe get the attention of that cute bridesmaid.

First off, take a deep breath and relax. This speech needs to be from the heart, not formulated and insincere. Get in a good frame of mind. If you can write your speech while you’re relaxed, you can sound more relaxed when you stand up in front of the crowd and maybe feel a little less nervous. You don’t want your speech to resemble a conglomerate of all the messages in the Hallmark aisle at your local grocery store; it needs to be relevant and personal. Avoid giving your speech a rigid structure. You want to avoid sounding like a 5th grader’s first essay paper. Trust in your personality and have some ingenuity, and you can write an original, creative, and memorable speech that the whole audience will never forget.

There are a couple pretty traditional elements that are included in a Best Man speech. It’s generally between three to five minutes and is made during the reception. A Best Man speech generally contains an introduction, some valued memories you’ve shared with the Groom, and a toast to the couple. Start with an introduction. This is your chance to establish your relationship with the Groom and introduce yourself to the audience, some of whom may not know who you are. Your relationship to the Groom also sets the tone for the speech. Depending on whether you’re a father, son, or best friend to the Groom, the content and reception of your speech will vary, so keep this in mind.

A note card with some keywords on it is alright to keep on hand, but don’t write down your entire speech. Having just a few keywords keeps your speech sounding natural and in your own words, as opposed to reading directly off a paper, which looks insincere and tacky. With enough practice, you won’t even have to use your note card. Keep your card on you as a security blanket, just in case your nerves get the better of you and you forget what to say next. Simply knowing you have a little backup could possibly prevent you needing one all together.

Even the people who speak as a profession still get nervous when confronted with the best mans speech. All the people in the audience are rooting for you, and they will love every word. The most you can do for the best man wedding speeches is to practice and just relax. So take a deep breath and just go for it.

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