Build Your Six Pack Abs

22nd May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In order to flatten your stomach, you will have to start exercising. Unfortunately, you can’t accomplish this by doing a set of six pack ab exercise program for ten minutes a day, it requires a little more time and a lot more effort, but when done correctly can give a person a body that is admired by many. An exercise program should consist of a variety of exercises. Any workout should last twenty to thirty minutes and be done four to five times a week. It is necessary to be aware of what the muscles in the midsection are used for. The abs are a vital part of maintaining a proper posture in combination with other muscles in the back. Therefore training your abs without training your back will create an imbalance in the musculature that supports your spine. A strong abdomen is important in many ways besides looking good. A person must find things that will not only flatten the stomach, but will also build strength in their entire body at the same time.

Some exercises that do this are squats. Finding a workout regimen that include these will work a person’s whole body. Muscles use more calories than does fat, so it is possible to lose weight even when you are not working out if you are working on your six pack.

Another good workout is to do crunches. Lay flat on your back with your arms across your chest. Raise you legs off the ground and bend them. Keep your arms where they are, don’t use them to lift up your head. Placing both hands behind your head can cause lower back problems in the long run as it places unnecessary stress on that part of your body from pulling on your head and neck. The most important part of the crunch is the initial flexing of your abs as you lift your shoulders off the floor. Doing the exercise properly will go a long way in developing a six pack ab. Now lower back down slowly and controlled while inhaling through your nose, just until your shoulder blades touch the ground. A full set of exercises should be done without the head ever being on the mat.

Soemtimes the oldest way to exercise is still the best. Lie on the floor, feet on the floor, knees up and fingers placed behind your ears or hands crossed on your chest. Using your back, stomach and shoulder muscles, raise your torso off the floor. Let your upper body go back to the mat slowly and do a full set of at least ten sit ups at a time. You can increase the difficulty after you have mastered the initial techniques. Find an incline bench to make it harder. After mastering the inclined sit-ups try doing it with a little extra weight added. Adding extra weight will increase the difficulty even more. You can further increase the difficulty by using larger weights.

These are just a few of the exercise a person can do. A person can search the internet for a more complete list. Another way to find out how to get the body that is desired is to go to a message board like the biggest loser weight loss forum, where there are people who will discuss just about anything with you. Other sites on the internet such as offer a person a complete weight loss and fitness program designed by professionals to guide a person to the body that they want.

Getting six pack abs can be done by almost everyone. If someone puts in the time and effort to learn how to do, they can succeed. Without the proper motivation the dream of six pack abs will stay a dream forever.

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