How Sleep Problems Change Your Health And Life

1st May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Suffering from Sleep disorders and insomnia has a drastic influence on an individuals overall health and life. Lack of sleep leads to fatigue, low mood and weakens the body’s immune system. New information is ordered and stored in the brain in sleep for easy recovery at a later time. It’s in sleep that the body does most of the repair and growth making it essential for health.

In the night time the pineal gland produces melatonin. This hormone helps to trigger sleepiness and naturally lowers the body’s temperature. When Sunlight enters the eyes it reduces the production of melatonin and the production of serotonin increases. We become more alert and energized.

A lack of serotonin can be associated with people who suffer from anxiety, depression and sleep problems. A person’s sleep is also influenced by their environment. Lack of sunlight during winter periods can adversely affect your sleep, mood and energy levels. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a relatively common issue that affects a person’s sleep and mood especially in the winter period.

Exposure to sunlight can help in maintaining a consistent sleep and wake cycle. This might not be possible at times but making sure you get enough exposure to strong artificial light can also benefit. Many people find this an effective way in How You Can Beat Insomnia over the winter. Try and work in a well lit environment in the day so you can maximize on the body’s natural production of serotonin.

Adjust your sleep time so that you are up earlier than usual. By doing this you will benefit from more natural light exposure. It is recommended to dim lighting an hour or so before you sleep to increase your melatonin levels, to help prepare your body for sleep. Also, it’s important not to engage in any mentally or physically stimulating activities such as work or exercise.

Light can be distracting and make sleep more difficult during bedtime, so make sure that you keep you room dark and devoid of light. A set of thick lined curtains will do. A set of curtains can be lined to thicken them to help block exterior light sources. A cheaper option would be to wear an eye mask, but make sure it’s comfortable to wear and that it’s kept clean.

During sleep the body relaxes and cools just slightly. Does this suggest that body temperature affects sleep? Most people find that they are restless and uncomfortable when sleeping in a hot room.

Women suffer from sleepless nights when they are menstruating as their body temperature increases. In the day time our bodies naturally become warmer which increases energy and concentration. As we approach bedtime the body cools down this makes us drowsier.

A hot bath an hour or so before bedtime can be very effective at inducing sleep. Initially the body becomes warmer, but as it quickly cools down this can induce drowsiness. Ensure that you give yourself time to cool down before bedtime.

Wear comfortable clothing to bed. Also ensure that your bedroom is cool and comfortable at night, as this will help you stay asleep. During summer this can be difficult, so I suggest that you wear lighter clothing, use a thinner duvet, and keep your windows open.

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Posted on: May 1, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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