Binaural — What Is The Secret Of Binaural?

28th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The easiest way to explain the word Binaural is having or relating to two ears. Along with frequency cues, combined with Binaural hearing, lets humans determine the origin of sounds direction. Basically if we did not use stereo, like the Binaural Beat effect, we would keep bumping into things.

Adapting through evolution has given us the ability to hear binaural beats. The structure of their brains allows evolved species to detect binaural beats.

It is in the size of the head which determines the frequencies at which binaural beats can be perceived. Binaural beats can be detected, in the humans, when carrier waves are below 1000 Hz. This is easily explained since below 1000 Hz the wave length of the signal is in fact longer than the diameter of the human skull. In this case these signals that are below 1000 Hz will curve around the skull.

This effect can also be observed through radio wave propagation. Lower frequencies have a longer wave length, such as radio waves which in fact travel around the earth like around the head. So the best binaural beat frequency can be found here: Binaural

It is the higher frequencies, or shorter wave lengths that can not curve but go in a straight line. So High frequency is blocked by mountains and structures.

So what is this all about? Well, logically because frequencies below 1000 Hz curve around the skull, incoming signals below 1000 Hz are heard by both ears. It is due to the distance between the ears, that the brain “hears” the inputs from the ears to be out of phase with each other.

Binaural beats work so well beacuse of this. Waveform phase difference, and the brains ability to detect this is what enables us to perceive binaural beats. Binaural beat meditations are very interesting and helpful for you to find your inner peace, and the phase difference helps us in this pursuit. I think this shows that there is a real science behind such meditations, and listening to such helps to harmonize the brain in a similar manner that the master do through years of meditation practice.Learn more right here about binaural: Binaural

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Posted on: April 28, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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