Some Great Points For Finding Time In Your Daily Life

27th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Time is our most precious resource. Without getting into a complex discussion about calendars and how we follow the lead set by the Romans and finalised by the Gregorian reform, we all have to comply with a limited availability and make the best out of what we have. Sadly, the majority of us end up chasing our tails as we just cannot seem to complete everything that needs to be done in the time available. We end up focusing on what really, really has to be done – normally what we need to do to earn income to pay our way, and we end up with little, if any time to spend on ourselves.

Sometimes we watch, green with envy, when we see others enjoying their pastimes and wonder how they manage it? Some people have learned how to become strategically and financially independent, having become masters of the art of time management and skilled at prioritisation and focus. Did you know that time management software is available, and it can help you to really understand where all those precious minutes are going? You should check out online time management to see if it can help you become far more efficient and enjoy your life the way it was supposed to be.

While you are thinking about this, be creative and find time for yourself.

1. Prioritise your exercise. There’s no point in trying to deny it, each one of us needs to exercise several times a week, if not daily. This is especially important if you have a sedentary job, or sit at an office desk. Few of us need more than eight hours of sleep and while you might hate that alarm clock, you should set it a little bit earlier so that you can allow at least 30 minutes for exercise. This will make you feel more invigorated and more focused on what you do during the day.

2. Treat yourself to a scheduled event. You have to look after “number one” and by planning in advance; you can set up a special monthly treat – whether this is a round of golf, a spa treatment, a day at the beach or another type of treat. Make it a priority and an appointment that cannot be broken.

3. Leave work where it should be. Even though you may be absolutely swamped with work and often stay late on a regular basis, as you find you just have to do this to get by, you should make sure that on at least a couple of days per week you leave on time, whatever may be holding you back.

4. Politely turn down the request of acquaintances, family or friends who want to spend valuable time with you, as you need this for personal rejuvenation. You can classify this as “me” time and you should do this at least one evening per week, without any distractions.

Find time by allocating chunks of time that you might have spent elsewhere according to your priorities and requirements. Now, when it comes to being much more effective during all those other periods of time, look to time tracking software to see how it could help you.

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