Five Fantastic Guidelines For Starting A Direct Selling Business

26th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As a busy mum, if you need other sources of income, you might think long and hard about self-employment. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to set your own hours, make a good income and still be able to cope with all those family commitments and household chores? Many mums in this position turn to direct selling and of the more than 50 million people estimated to work in this style of business worldwide, almost 70% are women.

So many things can stand in the way of the mum when it comes to getting back to work after a pregnancy or achieving some additional income as a family grows, but professional coaching – particularly coaching for women, can help quickly make these things an achievable possibility. You wish you could set a fixed schedule with a family in tow, but as those of us in that position can testify, any number of last-minute and unplanned crises can arise to throw everything off course. Kids in school are so vulnerable to what seems to be the smallest virus and certainly the school hour-days you had set aside can be suddenly compromised. If the thought of a flexible-hour, part-time, direct selling business is very attractive to you, it’s definitely worth your while to look into online life coaching to help get you on the right track.

Before you rush off to start your direct selling business, consider some important aspects.

– To start off with, are you an outgoing person, socially active, who loves to meet people? Of course you aren’t a hermit, its just that the business needs you to be very astute in social environments and forward reaching. Search your soul for this answer and be sure that you are ready for this type of scenario before you proceed.

– How good is your research? As we know, the Internet can uncover a wealth of information about any subject. Research the very concept of direct selling and then make sure that you know all there is to know about the companies you are considering. Direct selling can be a minefield at times and you might come across some so-called opportunities that are very similar to pyramid schemes. If you come across a program that requires you to enrol others for financial gain, be wary. Always check references and contact the testimonial givers as well.

– Direct sales opportunities exist in so many different industries. You might be able to build a business around an existing hobby? You can find direct selling opportunities in book sales, supplements, clothing, childcare, party supplies, cosmetics, scrap booking, beverages, weight management, toys and many others. Get involved in something that you really like, that’s a key.

– Be wary of any significant start up fees. Generally speaking these are low and you should expect to pay for an initial kit of supplies to get you going. Are you happy with the quality of the product concerned? If you would not buy it yourself, don’t think that you would be able to sell it, especially to friends, acquaintances or friends of friends without some nasty feedback!

– The chances are you may know somebody who is already into direct selling. While you might not expect them to give away any trade secrets, why don’t you brainstorm with them and you will undoubtedly pick up some great tales from the sharp end to help you decide what to do.

Once you’ve thoroughly investigated a direct selling opportunity and you’re ready to invest in it, the next step is to develop a clear vision of what you want from your business. Think about what income goals, lifestyle goals and contribution goals you want to set. When you have compiled your vision, take action by setting out the first 10 steps to help you launch your direct selling business in style.

Amanda Alexander is Director of Coaching Mums and a highly acclaimed ICF-accredited coach who delivers professional coaching programmes to working mums who yearn for success, balance and fulfilment. Are you a juggling mom? Download our free eBook for working moms that will give you 5 simple and instant ways to balance your life right now!

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