Binaural — For The Beating To Be Heard The Frequency Of The Tones Must Be Below About 1,000 To 1,500 Hertz.

6th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Binaural beats when applied to recordings alter your brainwaves. Try binaural beats which you can get on cds, mp3s, and easily enter states of creativity, relaxation, and increased energy. They can be created to reproduce several different frequencies like alpha, beta, and tetra.

The frequencies do not come from the beat but is a direct result of what arises between them. Learn more right here about the result of binaural auditory processing artifacts right here: Binaural

Important for this to work is that two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject’s ears, using stereo headphones: hence the binaural aspect, which makes the brain produce the third frequency phenomenon that results in the alpha, beta, or tetra wave.

As if the two tones are mixed naturally, a beating tone will be perceived in the brain. Important is that the frequency of the tones must be below about 1,000 to 1,500 hertz for the beating to be perceived.

You need to keep the difference between the two frequencies small, under 30 Hz. After this the effect will happen. If not no beat will be heard and the two tones will be perceived separately.

Investigating the sense of hearing, binaural beats are of interest to neurophysiologists. Binaural beats influence the brain in other ways too, in subtle ways through brainwave entrainment, and it is used to reduce anxiety and control over pain.

Ever want to be a master at meditation? Well one the best uses of binaural beats is helping you achieve almost instant meditative conditions. After listening for only 30 minutes, they can help you to relax and feel well rested. Binaural beats are fascinating and a bit mysterious, and may have a positive effect on your life. I strongly recommend them.Get binaural info here: Binaural


Posted on: April 6, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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