Get Off The Diet Rollercoaster

23rd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

No one enjoys it when they are constantly trying to get rid of the stubborn belly fat. They find a way to lose the extra pounds, but somehow the pounds seem to come back with a vengeance. Losing weight is difficult enough to accomplish once, but it is even harder to have to do it more than once. I recently discovered a website called the biggest loser forum where there were scores of people who were talking about all of the struggles that they were facing because they were overweight, and I decided it was time to find a solution to the problem.

I new that I could find the information I need by going in the world wide web. In addition to information that I could find on the chat rooms, I also found a bunch of information on diets that were available including many diets that promised to teach me how to lose weight fast and told me I could have the body I desired in just a short time with no effort. I was very skeptical of the claims that these products made. The concept of these programs is that they remove the harmful toxins from a person’s body. When you detox your body it helps also cleanse your body of fat and other things that contribute to a person’s problem of being overweight. One issue that comes with a detox program is that they also require some foods that are not always convenient to consume. Almost every detox plan includes the disclaimer that they should not be undertaken without consulting a doctor first. If I was going to go on a diet and have to get some exercise, I didn’t need some pill that I wasn’t sure how safe it was. And I was afraid that if I lost the weight this way, it would return when I stopped the detox program. So I continued my search.

No matter where I looked, the answer to my question looked the same, eat right and be active. If I limit the amount of food I take in and increase the amount of exercise I did, then I would lose weight. It didn’t seem to be hard. The problem was that it was not that simple. It is not easy to do when you are faced with all of the choices that a person looks at every day that will ruin any diet. Avoiding these things requires an intense amount of work. I wondered if I would have to get up early every morning to prepare a special diet for the day and still have time to do a bunch of six pack ab exercises in order for me to get a healthy body that I desired, or if there was an easier way to accomplish my goals.

I made the commitment to follow through with a diet and exercise plan. My life was not going the way I wanted and much of it was because I was overweight. being known as obese was not fun anymore and I was determined to fix it. My life wasn’t going to improve if I just sat around all day, so I chose to get up and deal with the problem. So I started planning. I decided that my diet would include regular foods instead of a special plan. I was just going change the way I prepared my food and eat less of it. I did not include foods that were full of grease on my diet. Another item to disappear from my fridge was the six pack of beer. I opted to cook my meals myself instead of eating out a few times a week. I committed myself to eating right. Besides changing my diet, I changed my exercise routine. I had to figure out when to work out but I knew I could. Losing weight was something that I was going to accomplish.

The efforts paid off. I was dropping the pounds and feeling better every day. The new foods that I was eating tasted good and I enjoyed getting outside and exercising. The places that I used to go to when I was fat were not as important to me as I thought they were and I had found new places. Instead of starting a diet that would get rid of some weight for a short time, I was doing things that got rid of the weight and were keeping it off. I had found the key to avoiding the diet rollercoaster. I just had to trade in my bad habits for some good ones.

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