What Is Anxiety?

18th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Excessive stress and or anxiety can become serious enough to disrupt your life. Generalized anxiety disorder (or GAD) is characterized by excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry. It can bring about chaos in your sleeping patterns, it can elevate blood pressure and even cause hair loss or skin issues. Anxiety disorder is the constant feeling of worry, or fear, so much so that it obstructs your ability to do daily functions. When someone has symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder tend to always expect disaster and can’t stop thinking about money, family, work or health. In people with generalized anxiety disorder, the anxiety is often improbable or out of proportion for the circumstances. Everyday life becomes a constant state of worry, fear, and dread. Sometimes, the anxiety so dominates the person that it interferes with daily functioning, including work, school, social activities, and relationships.

Do you, or someone you know is having a problem with such overwhelming and continuous dread, worry, fear then you need less stress . The sooner someone finds help for their stress the sooner they will start to feel good again.

Our bodies respond to stressful situations in a range of ways. The changes that occur within us are unwanted, and even dangerous if prolonged. protracted. lingering. Insomnia, fatigue, back pain, muscle stiffness, headaches, ulcers, colitis, gastritis, heart disease, cancer, and strokes have all been linked with stress and can all have debilitating effects on your body. In order to offset this negative physiological influence you must learn to reverse it. Relaxing provides life-long control over our most vital functions.

Learning To Relax

When you learn to relax, your heart rate slows, your blood pressure is tension is decreased, and your body requires less oxygen. This decreases the flow of blood to your muscles and organs and the natural output of cortisone is reduced. This produces an immediate difference in the way one feels. This has a dramatic effect in your sense of comfort, security, and happiness. Learning to relax can be learned and doesn’t require any special equipment. Most people have reported significant encouraging changes as a result of practicing as little as two 15-minute relaxation exercises per day. If you need stress help in your life visit this website: http://forlessstress.com .

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