Help, I’m 200 Pounds Overweight

12th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I am in trouble I looked in the mirror and my clothes don’t seem to fit anymore. I sit on the furniture and it breaks. My grocery bill is completely out of control. This has all been created because I weigh to much, but I have to change the way I look now. I’m just not sure how I can accomplish this daunting feat.

While sitting on the sofa one night, I saw a reality show about overweight people. I went online and found out that the show had a website that included a link to the biggest loser forum where there were all sorts of helpful hints, tools and chat rooms that are dedicated to helping people lose weight. I felt better knowing that I was not alone in my desire to lose weight. When you don’t have to face the prospect of losing weight alone, it is a much less daunting task. So I completed my first step by doing the research.

The next step was to come up with some actual numbers that I wanted to achieve in my weight loss journey. I weighed more than double what I should, and the time was now to fix it. I knew that I had to learn how to lose weight fastbecause my health was in danger and if I did not act quickly, I might not get another chance to succeed, and like the people on the show I had watched, I decided that I could lose more than ten pounds a week if I worked hard enough. I knew that I would have to dedicate myself to the chore, but I was up to challenge.

I could not achieve the results by myself, I knew that I wouldn’t succeed by doing a handful of six pack ab exercises in the comfort of my own home whenever I could find the time to do it, and I wanted some professional help. I decided that I would seek the help at a nearby health club The gym was the best place for me to work out with the assistance of experts all around me. In order to be safe about losing weight, I sought out the help of my physician. My doctor put me on a diet that would help me lose the weight. The experts at the gym gave me a fitness program that would help me lose weight. I was on my way to a better lifestyle.

For the next few months I devoted my life to exercise, diet, and work. I didn’t allow any distractions into my life. Because of my dedication I saw some results. My waistline was shrinking. I lost ten pounds a week for the first few weeks. Suddenly the weight loss stopped and I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I didn’t understand it but the people at the gym and my doctor told me not to worry, to stick with the program. I took the advice and kept working out. The diet and exercise eventually began to work again. All the advice I was given was correct, and I knew I was succeeding.

Since I started my diet and exercise program, I have lost almost half of my body weight. It has been very difficult, but I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. Losing the weight has allowed me to do things I haven’ done since I was a teenager. I no longer worry about people saying things behind my back about how I look. My self esteem is soaring due to the fact that I like the way that I look now. I never want to gain the weight back, but that has not been the greatest benefit I received. I have learned that I like the way the person that I am no matter what I look like. I could not get that for any amount of money.

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