Stress Relief with Hypnosis

15th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Stress Relief Hypnosis

This is an excerpt from an interview with hypnotist Tom Nicoli about his new product, Stress Relief Hypnosis

It’s Tom Niccoli. Day after day, I’m working with people to improve the way they feel, the way they think, the way they behave, basically to get out the emotional issues and problems that we have based on the way we think and our behaviors; mainly through negative conditioning and one of the most common things that must be dealt with is stress.

It’s true that anyone can become stresses over just about anything. It’s amazing how we can become negatively stressed and negative stress by the way is something that causes the problem. It’s when we have these responses that don’t serve us any good purpose.

Stress can cause several problems:

  • It can cause physical problems
  • It can cloud our thoughts
  • It causes emotional problems

Stress Relief Hypnosis Video

But it amazes me how some things people really enjoy stress them out. I remember being at my brother’s house just a couple of weeks ago and they were watching a football game and they love to watch football. So my brother was sitting there, my brother in law and my father and they’re stressing out. They’re watching a game they enjoyed and they’re getting stressed out over it and actually getting upset and I thought, there’s a way to refrain this. If we can pause for a moment and interact with our thoughts, we change the way we feel, we change our physical responses, we become healthier because one of the biggest problems of our physical stress is that our immune system breaks down.

So imagine you can become physically healthier, emotionally calmer, have a general attitude that’s improved and just more positive and just have a better day and quite frankly, a lot of things would be better if your day just seems to go better.

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