Reiki Attunement — It Assist You To Feel Balanced And More Alive.

14th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Reiki attunement? What is it? It is about getting connected with the life force source energy of creation.

Reiki (spoken: Ree-Kii) is the expression for the universal life energy, and comes from Japanese.

On the other hand, reiki is a very old cure. It was written about in the old Sanskrit Sutras over 2500 years ago. In the 19th century, it was rediscovered by Mikao Usui. Since his re-discovery we now speak of the Usui System of reiki. Want to learn more about a system like Usui, then go here: reiki attunement

By gently laying ones hand on, or slightly above, the body, this is how Reiki is given to oneself, or to others. The one who is the giver of the reiki-energy, is called the channel, and through the hand this energy is given to the receiver.

Reiki will function on the physical level. It is relaxing and pleasant. It works on the emotional level too, and it creates confidence. It helps to strengthen the zest for life. And, finally, it helps you to deal with everyday stress better as it works on the mental level too.

Today the new forms of reiki are many. You will find Komyo Kai Reiki, Karuna Reiki or WhiteLight Self-Empowerment. No System is better than others they are just different. Most different forms of reiki work together well. But the one with highest frequency is right here: reiki attunement

You will have to learn anywhere between one to four degrees of reiki. Each degree probably comes with an attunement to initiate you into the energy of that degree.

An example of a first degree:

A First Degree

•Learn a basic knowledge about reiki, and hands-on healing method.
•Knowledge about Aura and Chakra is taught.
•“Attunements” that will empower you to be a reiki channel, as You are initiated into reiki.
•After the initiation the reiki energy will flow through your hands, and you will be a reiki practitioner (healer).


Posted on: February 14, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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