So you are moving home? – Do it by Yourself

11th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have you decided to move home on your own? Moving house yourself needs to be painstakingly planned.

Moving home is Stressful, so let’s look at that before we go any further.

Some individuals become extremely tense during a move. Whilst some people can handle the anxiety easily. A normally happy cheerful person can get tense, so it’s nothing to do with your personality.

Try following these steps to make the moving go more smoothly:

1. Search around for moving supplies, these will be essential to pack away all your items, buy cheap supplies if you can’t borrow them. In advance of your house move, get together or borrow boxes, paper, bubble wrap, old blankets and anything else you can think of to help with packing.

2. Pack Ahead of Time: a do-it-yourself house move needs a lot of your energy. Last minute packing is only going to increase the anxiety levels. It’s a great idea to make sure all the packing is done at least 24 hours before you move home, this allows you time to pack all those last minute belongings. Start off by packing those belongings you are not going to use or need until you get to your new house; such as DVD’s and kitchen gadgets. As the day you move home gets nearer, the more you have packed in advance the less you have to worry about.

3. Be hard-hearted and dispose of items that never get used and just fill up the cupboards. Old magazines, clothing, kitchen items and ornaments which are stuck in the cupboard can be disposed of so you have a clutter free home. You can either throw these belongings away or simply donate them to charity.

4. A list – make sure you type up a a list and stick it somewhere prominent, lists are very important. Have multiple lists that include items to be bought, things you are giving away, things you are taking with you; even list the items that need special handling. Lists are a compelling anxiety supporter on moving day.

Getting ready for Moving Day

Friends, family, neighbours can be asked to help you fill your vehicle at your old house and unload it when you get to your new house. You will be very surprised how much more speedily the moving goes with few extra supporters. To say you appreciate the support, you could arrange for sandwiches and drinks to be ready to your willing helpers. Keeping people happy and well fed, means they will be happier and more willing to put in that extra time. If you have kids then you need to contemplate what is going to happen with them on moving day. Find out if you can get a member of your family to take your kids away for the day so they are not in the way. Do allow them to see their rooms being packed and let them keep some of their toys to play with during the moving day. The same goes for your animals, try and pinpoint a friend who will take care of it on the moving day. Pets can get travel sick, so make sure you take care when moving them. Anything you may need for your animal, such as water and feeding bowls, need to be packed in a bag marked ‘Pet’ and easy available when you arrive. Never leave your animal alone in the car when moving. Allow frequent stops so your animal can relieve themselves and make sure they are always on a tether.

Make sure you search for a fair Truck Hire for Moving

Most of will need to hire a truck as our family cars are not spacious enough to move everything. The venture you have with your moving vehicle rental is largely dependent on you. Take these things into consideration when renting:

1. Proportions is the most important factor when choosing a truck to rent. Make sure you give yourself a margin of up to 15% more room than you think you want. This is just to make certain you’re going to have enough space. Additional space is preferred than not enough.

2. With many businesses out there renting removal vans you would expect most prices to be about the same. Unfortunately, that is not the way it is. Compare prices from different firms; ask neighbours for recommendations, ring companies and use the net to search.

3. If you have hired a car before then you won’t find much change when renting a large vehicle. Hire your vehicle ahead of time so you don’t get stuck with one that doesn’t suit your demands. That way, your truck will be ready for you the day you move home.

4. Vehicle insurance is probably a good idea to consider. There is many differences between driving a large vehicle and driving a small car. Cost of repairing a truck if you make a miscalculation could be very expensive. A scant few minutes of your time and a few dollars can make all the difference in relation to your anxiety levels.

5 Try to plan ahead on how long you think you’ll be wanting your rental truck and always make sure you have some time to spare. The reason for doing this is that you don’t want to return it late. The fees for doing so are exorbitantly big.

Suggestions for taking your car.

Some people have two modes of transport, so you need to think about how you are going to transfer it, if you do. Shipping, towing or using a trailer are just a few ways of moving a second car. If the cost of taking it is more pricey than the car is worth, then think about selling it before you go. Before you decide to tow your car, read the manual to stop any unnecessary accidents from happening and make sure your primary vehicle is capable of towing a secondary vehicle with ease. Any vehicles that are not the ‘norm’ such as boats and jet skis will usually need special equipment if they are too be towed. Don’t assume you know how to correctly tow this item, contact a dealer who sells these items or look on the internet for the correct and safest way to transport them.

Prepared in cooperation with Jay Banks, Vancouver BC realtor and Vancouver Moving Handbook provider

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Posted on: February 11, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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