Reiki Attunement — Just Take A Deep Breath And Walk Into It, Take That First Step Into The Great Mystery.

3rd February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Can a reiki attunement really change everything in your life? It is the point to start a spiritual journey, one that has the power to transform everything.

What do you want out of life? This is the question to ask yourself. Probably 99% of everyone I know want to change their lives, but they don’t really know want exactly they want to change.

When you get a reiki attunement this might shed some light on the subject. The light you will see might just be a ray, but every awesome journey begins with the first step. Our journey, my wife and I, started with a reiki attunement.

Get more info on a reiki attunement here:reiki attunement

It was the portal to expanding consciousness. It was the door to a universe of enlightenment, to self-empowerment tools, systems, subjects, and philosophies. It gave use health and harmony. Seriously, our relationship got better. It brought harmony to our family, and more financial success.

Merely through a reiki attunement all of this began. Suddenly the mysterious universe became our playground. A cosmic rumpus room of endless possibilities.

Each day brings new adventures. Every adventure we complete new mysterious places open up to new quests.

We can all go there, the playground of the universe is begging you to come and have a good time. It will be a wild ride, but don’t be afraid, all you have to do is take that first step into the great mystery. Just accept it, trust it, and you will be on your way.

If we had not taken that first step I do not what to imagine what our lives would be like right now. But we are very happy we did take it! This might be your time to step too? Is it the universe talking to you at this very moment? Can you hear it? Sometimes you have to listen

Reiki attunement is powerful, get it here:reiki attunement


Posted on: February 3, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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