Get Helpful Information About Healing Remedies For Inner State Inside This Post.

22nd January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Dr. Bach was not the first to find the connection between our emotions and physical state. But he was the first to create the remedies against the negative emotions which were helpful to cure the physical disorders. He claimed that the patient is able to cope with all his problems himself if his internal vital energy is awakened. In fact Bach flower remedies are used to make the person feel the vital force inside him. When you feel the harmony inside, everything else will be much easier to overcome

Dr. Bach spent much time studying the orthodox medicine but wasn’t satisfied with the results. He was willing to cure people instead of doing harm to them. All medicines he had to use in his practice contained the definite amount of toxic components. He was sure that harmful remedies cannot heal people and make them really healthy. That’s why his main idea was to create completely new remedies. They were to be safe and natural, produce no side effects and be helpful for everyone. Dr. Bach thought that it’s possible to create the remedies both for children and grown-ups. When he finished his work, his followers found out that the essences were good even for pets and plants.

Bach flower essences restore the balance between the negative and positive emotions. They eliminate the excessive negative feelings that occur when you suffer from different psychological problems. When the balance is restored, the patient feels capable to recover without any further treatment. Numerous studies held to check whether Dr. Bach was right proved that the emotional state has the definite influence on the physical illnesses, especially on the immune system of the human. Nevertheless the mechanism of this influence is still unknown. In any case Bach remedies appeared to be useful not only against the psychological disorders. Those who want to strengthen the immune system can use them too.
Dr. Bach created his own classification of emotional disorders.

His 38 flower remedies refer to each of them separately. The patient who feels that his problem is too complex to choose the only remedy can mix several essences at once. The number of combinations is great. The good practice is not to use more than six essences at once. The doctor prescribing the remedy and the patient who takes it should be able to predict the result. If the number of essences in the mixture is greater, it is more difficult to do. In most cases it’s possible to define the most serious problem or the strongest negative emotion. It will be the first to struggle against. Other problems might disappear with it.

Bach remedies are very simple as treatment. Anyone can prepare the necessary dilution and take it according to the schedule. The dosage is easy to remember – usually it’s four drops four times a day. In case of sudden stress you can take the remedy until you feel the relief.
Change your attitude with Bach essences and you will see that life is amazing.

Those who are looking for more info more about Bach flower – go to this site which is run by a professional Bach flower practitioner who has helped many people with the Bach flower.

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