Reading Faster With Speed Reading Training

13th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For anyone who feels like they are constantly swimming upstream against a flood of information that is coming at them, speed reading course can provide the tools to help them stay afloat.

As the average person’s schedule gets more packed and as data is dumped on them from all directions, people feel less capable of being able to process and retain the crucial information that they need to stay on top of things.

Speed reading training is a good idea to help people deal with the crush of information that comes at them each and every day.

When people take training and learn how to read faster, they improve their effectiveness when studying and are more productive at work. In addition, those who learn how to read fast also report that they enjoy the reading materials more, and that they not only get more from them, but that they remember what they have read better.

Training also results in enhanced comprehension levels too. While this flies in the face of logic, which would dictate that reading speed improvement would result in diminished understanding.

However, experts say that learning speed reading actually enables the reader to feed information to the brain at a rate that is better suited for the speed at which the brain functions.

This is the basis for understanding why speed reading comprehension levels consistently test higher for speed readers, than when those reading at average to slow speeds are tested for comprehension.

In general, a quality speed reading course program is an investment that pays off in many different ways. Training the brain to be able to absorb, retain and comprehend written information is an valuable skill to master.

In the marketplace today, there are many different avenues you can choose to improve reading speed to match your learning style. No matter which type of speed reading program you choose, there are four things you can do to improve the results.

Relaxation – It is very important to be in a relaxed state. High stress and tension levels will create many barriers that interfere with the ability to learn how to how to read faster.

Not only should the mind be in a relaxed and settled state to assist in speed reading courses, but the body should also be in a calm state. Restlessness or tension in the body can become a major distraction and can inhibit your speed reading efforts.

It is best to be in a quiet, calm and comfortable environment before attempting a reading speed course.

Read Quality Material – There are myriad choices in reading materials from which you can select, when trying to learn how to read fast. But, when you are in the process of training, it is best to choose a work that is well written and avoids “flowery” language.

Look for a text with rich content, direct presentation and little redundancy while in the learning stages. Once you have experienced reading speed improvement, you will be able to tackle any type of reading material you desire.

Watch for Keywords – Most written works have about 60% filler just to accommodate sentence structure and grammar. You will learn how to quickly zero in on the keywords or key phrases which provide the meaning. As you improve your ability to focus on these important words, your brain will be able to more quickly process the meaning of what you are reading, further accelerating your program speed reading and comprehension.

Persistence, Practice and Patience – In order for speed reading training to be truly effective, the aspiring speed reader must set a goal and persist until they reach their goal, then set a higher goal.

In order to gain the skill of speed reading, there must also be consistent practice and patience with oneself during the process of retraining the brain. Being persistent and staying committed to the goals will eventually result in you becoming a speed reader who enjoys great comprehension as well.

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