Ways to Quit Self Sabotaging

31st December, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Why is it that so many people are not able to get what they really want and the person that is blocking them is themselves?

There lies one of the great paradoxes of humans. Self sabotage has a habit of striking when we least expect it. You’d think it would be easy to stop doing it once you know that you are. There is a lot more happening under the surface.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between what we want and what we need. We like to think that we are consciously in control of our fate but this is merely an illusion. It may be true for those rare individuals that have their values, beliefs and conscious desires in alignment. These people are truly satisfied with their lives because of their congruency and the consistency of their thoughts and beliefs.

Negative emotions like envy are not likely to set you on the path to success, although sometimes it can help inspire you to greater heights. It would be wise to start some self talk that will set you in the right direction, be on the look out for tools and triggers to assist you.

It may sound strange but this is where it all begins. Living the life you’ve dreamed of really begins when you truly know yourself. It was no accident that I used the word dreams, as sometimes your unconscious minds sends you message using dreams. Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to hope for your unconscious to send you a message? What if you could find some tools that kind of gave you a hot-line to your innermost thoughts and desires?

You don’t have to hide yourself away in a monastery for years, or enter some mystery school. You could start right this instant. Don’t look for short term solutions, find the right tools and they will last you a lifetime. There is no one book that has all the answers, no simple test that will reveal all.

Others can help you guide you a little but mostly this is something that you need to work out yourself, only you can come up with the correct answers. Others do not really know what your conscious and unconscious desires are, only you do, so only you can tell when they are in synchronicity.

There is no need to aim for perfection here, so long as consciously and unconsciously you are headed in the same direction your life will turn for the better. Just be aware that some people choose to be unhappy, so not everyone is going to appear to be outwardly fulfilled.

I would certainly rather not live my life this way, however some people are happy being unhappy so who am I to judge? In which if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. It’s a funny old world and each to their own.

If you’re somebody who is looking to make a positive change to your life check out the self sabotage product suite and see what you think.

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