Pharmacy Technician Salary, Job Outlook And More

23rd June, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Do you aspire to work as a pharmacy technician? You can look forward to a positive job outlook as this field of work is closely related to the healthcare industry which is considered recession proof. For this reason, if you want a stable job, this is a good option to consider. It also offers a competitive compensation package with the 2010 median Pharmacy Technician Salary at $28,400 per year or $13.65 per hour. Pharmacy techs who work in hospitals typically receive higher pay. Similar to other occupations, the pay is dependent on various factors such as state or location, qualifications, and experience, among others. You will better appreciate once you start looking for Pharmacy Technician Jobs. You will usually find that you can negotiate your pay depending on your qualifications or years of experience. You will benefit from being aware of this when deciding which company to apply to or preparing for an interview. Continue reading Read More

Will The Turbo Jam Give You The Body You Want?

23rd June, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is a workout that is designed to help you get in shape fast. The workout is actually easy to stick with, as the majority of users claim. In some of the videos, Chalene Johnson, the prominent personal trainer, is conducting numerous useful routines. A variety of workouts get grouped together in this particular workout program, so you won’t become bored from the workout. You will implement techniques taken from kickboxing, cardio, and various other fat burning techniques. All of it is done with the help of funky musical beats which are meant to quickly energize your body. Continue reading Read More