How To Look Younger By Reducing Lines And Wrinkles Around The Eyes Easily

28th November, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A lot of women complain about developing wrinkles around their eyes — even the younger ones. Some people are more prone to having wrinkles because of their skin type; others because of too much sun exposure. These are only a few of the things that can cause eye wrinkles to show up. Women who have eye wrinkles have tired-looking eyes which often make them look way older than their real age. Yes, plastic surgery can be done but not everyone can afford its costs. That’s why we are sharing here some simple tips on how to prevent and lessen the appearance of wrinkles. Continue reading Read More

Practice Of Reiki For A Balanced Physical And Psychological State Of Human Body

28th November, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Reiki is a spiritual practice founded in 1922 by a Japanese Buddhist Monk called Mikao Usui. It is premised on the idea of Ki or Qi which is the body’s vital energy force, and its alignment and free flowing in our bodies to keep us healthful. The practice uses the hands to transfer the Ki of the Reiki specialist to the one receiving the Reiki. It is likened to the laying on of hands. Continue reading Read More