The Vitamin B12 and Losing Weight: Fact or Fiction?

3rd November, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

B12 Injections are making a splash. A lot of supplements which are being manufactured by companies are occasionally an all in one combination like multivitamins, so that you can gain every vitamin and mineral you would need in a single pill. Among the well-liked ones like ascorbic acid and calcium, did you ever hear of Vitamin B12? Let’s find out what it can do to our body and what benefits we can gain with this. Continue reading Read More

Can You Deal With Female Hair Loss

3rd November, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are as many different ways to treat women’s Hair-loss as there are women who are going through it. Scads of women believe nothing can be done. This is definitely false! The techniques for medicating and facing women’s Hair-loss range from medication to feeling accepted. They range from shaving your head to buying a wig. The kind of individual you are is of not matter, because you’ll come across a method for tending to your thinning hair that will work for you and the people involved in your life. In this article we discuss some of the more trendy techniques for curing and facing Hair-loss if you are a woman. Continue reading Read More

There Are Healthy Snack Options While You Are Dieting

3rd November, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It may be rather difficult to go on a diet to try and lose weight as eating less food means you are going to feel hungry more often. This may lead to snacking to curb your hunger, but eating foods with a great deal of calories will ruin all your efforts! When you see that you do need a snack to hold you over, you will want to eat a healthy snack which will help with your weight loss. Forget about chips and also candy as a snack and try consuming some of the following healthy foods. Continue reading Read More