Green Tea – Long Lasting Aging

25th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The amounts of the theaflavins and catechins that are in any tea sample, (black, green or oolong) will depend on where in the world the leaves grow and of course how they are processed prior to them drying. Factors such as the soil they are grown in should influence the content of polyphenols. Whether the tea is blended, decaffeinated or freeze-dried and the preparation (how much tea is used in each glass or cup, how long it is left to steep, dissolve or brew and at what temperature) all affect the beverage’s phytonutrient content. The process of decaffeination does remove some of the phytonutrients, as well as the caffeine (which is a completely unavoidable consequence of the chemistry of decaffeination). Continue reading Read More

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