Are You Maintaining Your Daily Oral Hygiene?

23rd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

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It Sucks To Be Fat

23rd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I think I finally hit rock bottom. I had to take an airplane trip on my latest vactation. I was informed by the airline that because of my size I would have to purchase two seats. I was informed that this was the only way I could board the plane. I didn’t like the rule, but since I had to get there, I listened to what was said. I paid for the seat, and I vowed never to fly this stupid airline again with their discriminatory practices. I didn’t choose to be the weight that I was. Continue reading Read More

Cooking Up A Way To Fight The Belly Bulge

23rd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When a person is obese, it is not a well kept secret. Just by taking a look in the mirror and if your body doesn’t fit in the frame might let you know that it is time. But recognizing the problem and fixing it are tow very separate things. Any overweight person must figure out how they are going to drop the excess pounds they are carrying if they care about themselves. Continue reading Read More

Many sources of assistance for mental problem, from mild to serious

23rd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

With the pressures of the lives we live today, we can experience many mental discomforts. Most are probably minor, but some may be more serious. How do you decide which type of mental health specialist is best for the problems you are experiencing? In southwestern Ohio, Cincinnati Psychiatrists and Cincinnati psychologists provide a variety of of services for their patients. Continue reading Read More

Get Off The Diet Rollercoaster

23rd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

No one enjoys it when they are constantly trying to get rid of the stubborn belly fat. They find a way to lose the extra pounds, but somehow the pounds seem to come back with a vengeance. Losing weight is difficult enough to accomplish once, but it is even harder to have to do it more than once. I recently discovered a website called the biggest loser forum where there were scores of people who were talking about all of the struggles that they were facing because they were overweight, and I decided it was time to find a solution to the problem. Continue reading Read More

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