Taking Acyclovir to Handle the Cold Sore Virus

7th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you suffer from the virus that causes cold sores as well as other viral conditions, your doctor may have recommended a prescription medication to treat it. Although there’s no medication available at the present time that will cure any form of herpes, the virus that causes cold sores, you can stop the growth of the infection and keep it from spreading throughout your body by taking Acyclovir. Other common forms of the herpes pathogen include genital herpes, chicken pox,and shingles. Continue reading Read More

Causes and Cures for Hemorrhoids

7th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

People with piles have been stereotyped by the comics or comics to be laughing stocks. That is the reason why fewer folks with haemorrhoids tend to visit a doctor. Rather, they prefer to wait for the pain to go down and just fret about it some other time, particularly if the pain becomes protracted. Continue reading Read More

Why It Is So Important For Diabetic Patients To Watch What They Are Eating

7th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

All of us need to eat if we want to live. Many people do not really care about what they are eating as long as they have some food that is ready to be consumed. Unfortunately, such an approach is not appropriate for diabetic people. Those who have diabetes should watch what they are eating and follow their diabetic diet plans strictly. In such a case diabetic people are able to manage the disease and live relatively healthy without serious complications of diabetes. Continue reading Read More

Foods Without Carbohydrates

7th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Losing weight has become an obsession for many people around the world today. Well this is done with good reason, because numerous country men and women are hurting from weight connected matters with high quantities of obese children being reported always. Experts believe that the key to losing weight lies in reducing the amount of carbohydrate intake. The reasonable behind this is saccharides add to weight problems. Many doctors tend to dissent while some have experienced the effect of foods without saccharides brings. There are both good and bad results that occur when sticking to a diet fool of foods without carbohydrates. Continue reading Read More

Body Cleansing: Fresh Start For A Healthier You

7th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Obesity is a widespread problem in the United States and throughout the world. If you are looking for a way to do a body cleansing, it is far better than purchasing body cleanses that are nothing more than an overpriced laxative and a diet. You can get the same result by using the concepts of the natural diet and avoiding the harsh laxatives. Laxatives can actually be hard on your intestines. Use the natural method instead. Continue reading Read More

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