Using Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Filtration to Decontaminate Drinking Water Resources

21st January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Diatomaceous earth is a naturally-occurring sedimentary rock. It is made up of the fossils of diatoms which are a form of algae. DE is available in different grades, and one of these is called food grade. When we think about food, we all think about something to eat. So what is there about a chalky white substance made from algae fossils that would be edible? Continue reading Read More

Cosmetic Surgery Facelift

21st January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In the past plastic surgery was something only the rich a famous could afford. Today, with the improvements in technology, getting a facelift or a nose job done doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. Time and gravity seem to work jointly making you look older than you feel by creating those irritating wrinkles and lines around your face. There is no reason to have to live with wrinkles any longer, or waste exorbitant amounts of money on creams and products that promise to remove of them but never seem to deliver the results. Continue reading Read More

Find Out How To Cure Panic Attacks Naturally

21st January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is possible to Cure panic attacks using on self-help therapies for people with social phobia. Shyness is a common problem that affects people of all ages. Not many of us like standing out and being observed by others. For some, being in front of others can conjure up extreme feelings of fear and embarrassment. Continue reading Read More

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