Health – Weight Loss and Nutritional Supplements. Helpful Information to Be Aware of

17th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The Department of Health says that 60% of Americans are overweight, 30% of all kids are either overweight or at risk, 85% of the population does not consume the recommended minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Our lives are longer but the days seem shorter – and weight / diet related ailments from Type 2 diabetes to high blood pressure and cholesterol are epidemic. The number one reason for doctor’s visits? Fatigue. Is it any wonder we have a so-called health care crisis! How can you and I pull away from this? A simple, low cost program of complex carbohydrates and lean protein, with a little bit of exercise. Given our lifestyles the best way to achieve this is with a mix of meal replacement shakes, nutritional supplements, healthy meals and snacks. And the occasional walk around the block. In previous articles I have addressed weight loss myths, what the body needs nutritionally, and meal replacement programs. In this article, the focus will be on nutritional supplements – what they are and how incredibly important they are to balanced nutritional program. Continue reading Read More

In Research of The Perfect Cleaning Fat Loss 4 Idiots Dieting

17th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

My acquaintance was in her mid 1950s as she rolled on about clean diets and detoxification. Out of respect for the fact she was older than I, my initial ridicule was stuffed back down my throat and I courteously fat loss 4 idiots took heed. She leaded off to talk about these cleansing works that ab initio I considered vocalized rather barbaric. Milk thistle just vocalized like something armed to drink. But obviously it was part of this detergent diet she was addressing about, so again, I nodded courteously. Continue reading Read More