Why I Decided to Buy An Acai Berry Free Offer

15th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Every time you get on the internet and search for something, you see ads for acai berries. Not only that, it’s in my magazines and it’s even in my V8 juice! It’s everywhere! I’m not one to try free offers (mainly because I never remember to cancel them and then I get charged later for a membership I’ve joined – darn that fine print that I always forget to read). I decided to give it a try this time so I ordered my free offer of acai berry juice a day or so ago. It hasn’t gotten to me yet, but here is why I decided to try it. Continue reading Read More

Working Out With Garden Trampolines

15th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Mini trampolines have been around for quite awhile, but the way they are used has changed in the past few years. No longer are they only used for fun. Now people can use trampoline jumping on cheap trampolines to assist in their weight loss goals. Continue reading Read More

Using Your Ab Equipment The Right Way

15th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In today’s times not one person I know wants to have a fat belly and not six pack abs. Having great abs is nice and it makes you look fit and healthy. Having an ab machine is definitely better than doing sit ups or crunches. In the fitness industry their are tons of ab machines that will get you the abs that you desire. Continue reading Read More

Do You Know How To Stop Sweating

15th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When looking at How to stop sweating you must first know about sweating causes. It’s natural to sweat, when the body starts to overheat it will sweat to help cool it’s self down. Though there isnt anything wrong with sweating occasionally, if you find that you are sweating all the time you could have a problem.When someone sweats profusely, nearly all the time, this is when it is no longer natural and may actually be indicative of a medical problem.If you do find yourself sweating more than others then you can find yourself feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable. Over 1% of the population of the world suffer from the condition called Hyperhidrosis, that causes excessive sweating.Over sweating may also be linked to other common ailments. A few of the health conditions that may lead to excessive sweating include, menopause, obesity, and endocrine diseases, as well as psychiatric disorders.When someone has a tendency to sweat too much, it may also be a sign of a condition called hyperthyroidism. This can be a serious medical condition and usually means the care of a physician. Continue reading Read More

4 Best Cardio Machines For Weight Loss. Helpful Things to Keep in Mind

15th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have you ever set foot in a gym, only to find an endless number of different cardio machines with no clue on where to even start? You’ll find cardio machines ranging from elliptical to treadmills to stairclimbers and many more, but which cardio machines work the best in aiding your goal to lose weight without any complications? Before we begin, there are three main things that you should remember when choosing a cardio machine. Continue reading Read More