Acai Cleanse Weight Loss Diet – Rachel Ray’s Acai Cleanse Diet Burns Fat Quickly & Easily. Useful Info to Remember

8th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Celebrities are known to be trend setters among dieters to opt for fat loss all across USA and UK. This becomes more applicable if the means of weight loss is not a tedious one. One such newly found means of weight loss is acai berry.

This is a Brazilian grape like berry that was used by the Central & South Americans for over 200 years to cure their digestion issues. They also owe their zeal and energy to this little dark colored fruit. Now celebrities like Brad Pitt are reported to use it for weight loss and colon cleansing. The talk shows by Rachel Ray and Oprah Winfrey made Acai Cleanse diet popular among many people in United States.

The medical experts & health gurus on these shows, have strongly recommended this fruit as the great diet supplement. In fact Dr. Nicholas V. Perricone, the famous dermatologist has termed it as a ‘true super food.’ He has placed it on the top ranking in his diet charts. Similarly, Dr. Mehmet Oz, the renowned cardio surgeon is talking big about this wonder fruit. Oprah Winfrey has lost her weight using this fruit, says her fitness guru Mr. Bob Greene.

Here are some nutritional facts of acai berry:

· It is fairly rich in the anti oxidants known as anthocyanins. With ORAc value as high as 70,000, this fruit is richest in the anti oxidants – highest ever tested by the scientists world over.
· It has rare healthy fatty acids that are usually found in the fish oils. These are Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9.
· Among vitamins it is rich in A, C, B1, D & E.
· Among minerals it comprises of iron & calcium.
· It also has very rich fiber content.

It is tested by the scientists of Florida, and as they assure – it is medically proven prevention from colon cancer & stomach cancer. As reported on the Rachel Ray show,

Health Benefits Of Acai Berry Cleanse Diet

· It cleanses the colon by removing the toxins in the body cells.
· It increases your immunity as it fights the free radicals of the body.
· It repairs the damaged cells of the body.
· It adds to your energy – mentally as well as physically.
· It resolves all the digestion issues, chronic as well as routine.
· It removes the undigested food and toxins blocked in the crevices of the intestines.
· It cleanses the entire bowel area.
· It controls the cholesterol & the blood pressure levels of the body.
· It helps you reduce your waist line as it removes the fat cells.

Reasons for the effective weight loss by using Rachel Ray Acai cleanse diet

· It increases the energy there by increasing your physical movements.
· It removes the stuck up toxins & cholesterol and hence makes the digestion smoother.
· This way the metabolic rate rises and weight loss becomes faster.
· It is rich in fiber. That controls your appetite and that way the weight loss is also maintained well and it speeds up naturally.

Rachel & Oprah is getting slimmer and healthier, Now its your turn to get the Dynamic Duo!

To know more Click Here –> Rachel Ray Acai Diet

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Posted on: June 8, 2009

Filed under: Cleansing & Detox

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