Learn About The Cayenne Pepper Diet

23rd September, 2008 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup are the ingredients in the cleansing drink that in combination with fasting make up the cayenne pepper diet. It allegedly rids your body of toxins and helps with weight loss, with some people claiming to have lost as much as twenty pounds in just two weeks. The diet often referred to as the Cayenne Pepper Diet is actually the Master Cleanser Diet, or Lemonade Diet as it is sometimes called. People who use this diet know it works, including Beyonce Knowles.

Stanley Burroughs is the creator if the cayenne pepper diet which is still followed by many nowadays. Drinking fresh lemon juice and cayenne pepper is called The Master Cleanser. If you drink lemon juice and cayenne pepper, you will get a burst of energy and a glowing face!

If we don’t regularly cleanse our bodies, we can’t expect them to function at their best. Chemical colorings and flavorings ,and other additives including pesticides in our water and food, as well as pollution from the environment and oxidative stress build up in our bodies , being stored up over time in both the fatty tissue and the organs . It’s vital to your health that you flush out the artificial chemicals from your body with a detox.

You can prepare this recipe very easily. The recipe calls for you to mix together ten to fourteen ounces of water, two tablespoons of maple syrup (grade B if available) and two tablespoons of lemon juice (fresh squeezed preferred). Don’t forget the final step – adding a pinch of cayenne pepper! It’s vital to drink at least 12 eight ounce glasses of lemonade, but there’s no limit! For a complete blend of vitamins and minerals, try this lemonade!

Lemon juice is believed to be a natural cleanser and loosening agent. The popular spice, cayenne pepper, is also an herbal compound used to increase metabolism through thermogenics, and to decrease one’s appetite, which is useful when fasting or dieting.

You need to evaluate all the information prior to starting the cayenne pepper diet. Though it may seem to be a matter of just chucking some ingredients together and that is it , it really is not that simple . Before you begin, learn all the tips and tricks. Without this knowledge, you could easily go wrong.

Posted on: September 23, 2008

Filed under: Cleansing & Detox

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