Competent Recommendations for Colon Cleanse

21st September, 2008 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have we lost the mind?

A while ago I wrote an article called "Beware of bottled water", I realized we had a monster problem, however, I did not know just how big it was. We now have one of the biggest and disastrous environmental calamities there ever has been, all because of a fad. When it was decided we "needed" to carry around a bottle of water, we certainly didn’t know what we were getting into.

Please look at the following headline, and ask yourself what are you going to do about it?

10 Million TONS Of Trash Floating In Pacific

If you have been looking for a way you can help to make this world greener, here is a way for each of us to do that little bit.

It is easy to pass the responsibility on to the manufacturers, those manufacturers who case everything in plastic wrapping, DVD’s CD’s Toys, the list goes on.

The world governments are working about recyclable wrapping. This of course makes sense; in fact it should have happened years and years ago.

Now let’s get back to plastic bottles.

Our Super Markets display hundreds of dozens of plastic bottles all filled with reverse osmosis water, this water, many scientists call "dead water". All the minerals have been removed, and all of this water is acidic.

There are those who know what acidic water does, for those who do not know, here is a short explanation.

The body requires a pH balance of 7.365, acidic water varies from 4.00 to 7.00. When the body does not get what it needs, it collects the shortfall (between the 4.00 and the 7.365) from other part of your body. That could be either from your bones, your teeth, or from your cells.

In 1931 the gentleman who won the Nobel Prize, said that Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline body, but, grows easily in an acidic body. If that isn’t a reason to stop using bottled water maybe you should have a quick look at this 1 minute 13 second video.


If each one of you, who are reading this article who drink bottled water, would STOP, and not add further to the problems, alternatively you would be helping to stop one of these terrible problems. PLEASE STOP.

The suggestion is to drink alkaline water, and use the correct container, of course definitely not plastic.

By Frosty Wooldridge 3-24-8

If you should see this amazing floating pile of plastic pollution in the Pacific Ocean, it’s called "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch." It features three million tons of plastic debris floating in an area larger than Texas.

An eye-popping 46,000 pieces of plastic float on every square mile of ocean! Humans toss another 2.5 million pieces into our oceans hourly." Let me repeat this: the United Nations Environmental Program report estimated 46,000 pieces of plastic debris floats on or near the surface of every square mile of ocean.

Each of us on average uses 190 pounds of plastic annually: bottled water, fast food packaging, furniture, syringes, computers and computer diskettes, packing materials, garbage bags and so much more. When you consider that this plastic does not biodegrade and remains in our ecosystems permanently, we are looking at an incredibly high volume of accumulated plastic trash that has been built up since the mid-20th century. Where does it go? There are only three places it can go: our earth, our air and our oceans.

We do have a problem and I am sure you agree, please help by doing the right thing.

Read more about Kangen water, colon cleanse – this can be a solution to many problems, your best allergy relief as well.

Posted on: September 21, 2008

Filed under: Cleansing & Detox

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