So, you want to burn fat without starvation, huh? Try Isagenix

20th May, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

With increasing frequency over the last year or so I have been asked what the most important difference is between the Herbal Colon Cleanse product and the Isagenix Nutritional Cleanse product. The bulk of people believe that they are alike, operate by the same exact process and yield the same kind of results. The answer to that is… absolutely not!

The Reality of the Matter Is: Comparatively speaking these products are like analyzing the difference between apples and oranges.

Let me clear that up more – the Herbal Colon Cleansing product was made to help you to excrete what is known as fecal matter. This substance is like spackle or paste, stuck like glue to the lining of your lower large intestines. The thought is that this paste like material is a reproduction ground for parasites, bacteria and dangerous pathogens.

Today, plenty of research has shown that this fecal matter problem does exist! According to the program general recommendation information an Herbal Colon Cleansing course of action is suggested at least 2 times per year. When the sticky paste-waste is eliminated from your lower gut, you feel the improvement and your body will begin to take in nutrients better from the food that you eat.

Now, here is some essential information on Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing. As the company outlines in corporate marketing materials, cleansing is not recent. However, what they have done is brought the practice from an ancient approach to modern day and thus, created a scientifically advanced product that is designed to infuse a nutrition dense formulation of minerals, herbs and botanicals into your body for the purpose of filtering out of the body toxins and impurities.

Now, follow this closely – Unfortunately, these toxins and impurities are rooted in tissues and body fat, so one of the main objectives of their process is to assist you in gettting these perilous substances eliminated from you.

Important Note: Research has shown that these toxins and impurities have been linked to your body adding fat stores and making it hard to lose weight and keep it off! This is because the extra body fat is created as a defense mechanism to guard the body from deadly waste-by-products that it is pounded by on a day to day frequency!

When looking at the actions of a Colon Cleanse opposed to the Isagenix Nutritional Cleanse we can start to observe that one is dealing with the physical mechanics of the body’s elimination system, while the Isagenix product is intended for optimizing the physiology of cell and chemical functions in the entire human body.

By and large, this means that it gets to the source of all problems that develop within our bodies.

Present day research has made it clear that our bodies are burdened with 200+ toxins, chemicals and impurities and that these malicious particles of destruction come from the food that we eat, the fluids that we drink and the air that we breathe.

The short of it is, there’s no way to steer clear of these harmful chemicals and pollutants from getting inside of you, so their product was exclusively designed to decrease those life-long accumulated levels of toxins and impurities.

As a final conclusion, it appears, they both do a superb job and your body would greatly benefit from them. However, the Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing product does dominate Herbal Colon Cleansing in terms of providing your body with exceptional nutritive substances and the essential nutrition necessary so that your body can begin the process of healing itself and restoring good health and wellness.

Understand this people! Your body is under a heavy-duty, all out attack of toxins and impurities at every level of human existence! You should be proactive and start to do something about the problem. Right away!

At minimum 200+ Toxic Substances in Your Body!

No more hesitating! Learn About Nutritional Cleansing! Click – Isagenix

Author: Jeff Gadley is a former Registered Nurse, Olympic Athlete and Fitness, Health and Exercise Expert. Currently he writes helpful health articles to assist individuals with living a healthier lifestyle.

Be healthy! Visit this blog in order to know a lot of helpful info about healthy and natural weight loss!

Posted on: May 20, 2009

Filed under: Cleansing & Detox

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