Do You Need To Be Taking A Probiotic? 3 Facts That Tell You The Answer Is Probably Yes.

28th October, 2013 - Posted by health news - No Comments

With all the hype surrounding the use of probiotics we're exposed to every day, how do you understand if you should be taking a probiotic? What are the perks to your health and wellness?

Probiotic Supplements

Looking at most individuals's daily lifestyle, here are a few things to consider:.

– where our food comes from,
– what is being added to our drinking water,
– over-the-counter and doctor prescribed medications,
– daily anxiety levels.

Let's look at the food many individuals consume, where it comes from and what is added before it gets to our plate.

If you buy meat from the supermarket, unless they stock natural meats, virtually every package contains certain levels of growth hormones and antibiotics. Animals are given antibiotics as a preventative measure, growth hormones to increase market weight.

These antibiotics and hormones go straight into our body, eliminating the friendly flora and permitting overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeast. Include antibiotics prescribed by our doctors and our friendly bacteria don't have a snowballs chance of surviving, growing and doing their job.

The addition of pesticides, fertilizers and genetic modification to our fruits, grains and vegetables plus chlorine being added to our water, develops an unbelievably damaging soup in our intestinal system.

Research reveals about 80 % of immune functionality lies in our gut and approximately 170 different ailments stem from imbalanced digestive tract bacteria in our Gastrointestinal tract. That's 170 different health problems that can be fixed by restoring a well balanced environment for good bugs to flourish, supporting a more powerful immune system and optimum gut lining.

Most individuals are unaware how profoundly anxiety levels influence our general health and wellness. Though we have even more 'time-saving' modern-day benefits and down-time diversions than any time in history, millions live very stressful lives.

This continuous stress plays havoc with emotional and mental wellness, however, did you know it affects your GI system to such a degree that it shows up as symptoms throughout your body? Many concerns, such as increased swelling, overeating, bodily hormone imbalances and much more, may actually be misdirected messages between the gut and the brain. When traced back, an overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria is frequently to blame.

Probiotics, taken consistently, will help to restore an optimal environment to your intestinal system. Speak to your healthcare professional. Do something good for your body today.

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