Fascinating Benefits of Organic Chlorella

21st October, 2013 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Chlorella is a species of alga that thrives in bodies of freshwater and is frequently used in treating many health ailments. Possible benefits of chlorella include reduced body fat, better digestion, and better energy levels. It's also being used as a health supplement and may be seen in a number of shops that sell health products. They can be in pill, power, liquid extract form. But even though it might offer us tons of gains, organic chlorella should not be utilized to wholly replace conventional medicine.

Chlorella Sources

Chlorella was first discovered in the 1800s after the end of the Second World War. It was soon studied as being a potential source of food primarily due to the natural parts. The Japanese have been studying chlorella and its gains since the 60s. These algae can grow in pretty large amounts in South-East Asia and Australia, and are usually gathered so they could be made into tablets. On The Other Hand, some experts believe that there is insufficient evidence to support the supposed long term health benefits alga.

Chlorella Benefits

Nutritional Facts About Chlorella

Chlorella has a lot of important vitamins and minerals like amino acids, protein, and essential fatty acids. It's also packed with a higher amount of B vitamins as well as cartenoids and Vitamin C. Magnesium is also present in it due to the high levels of chlorophyll found in the organism.

Potential Hazards of Chlorella

Despite being promoted as a health supplement, chlorella still poses possible health dangers. Those of you that are taking in anticoagulants must not take in chlorella supplements due to its high quantity of vitamin K1. This vitamin is responsible for helping close out blood clots.

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