What diet supplements Are Available?

11th August, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Essential Information On diet aids – What Type Of Slimming Pill Are There?

You’ve seen diet pill advertisements… You have read the testimonials claiming diet pills work. You have often wondered – will diet pills work for me?

For fast weight loss, diet pills can work. If you are overweight or obese, using diet pills can help to kick start your weight loss program and help you in attaining your ideal weight.

A word of caution when determining whether diet pills are for you, diet pills are not the final answer to your weight loss concerns. No diet pill will let you eat what you want, not exercise and still lose weight. You many see results short term but the challenge will be keeping it off. You should ensure that your consumption of diet pills is in conjunction with a healthy eating and exercise regime. There is medical evidence that diet pills do work to aid in weight loss, but not as a miracle cure. Researchers stress the use of diet pills along with diet and exercise.

Types of Diet Pill

There is a wide variety of diet pills on the market; prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements. Here is a brief overview of the different types of diet pills available.

Prescription Diet Pills: Only available with a Doctor’s prescription, your Physician will monitor your health and weight loss progress while you are taking the diet pills.

Fat Blockers and Carb Blockers: Inhibits the action of the lipase enzyme. When you eat foods containing fat, lipase breaks down the fat in the intestine. Fat blockers remove some of the fat ingested through bowel movements instead of being broken down and absorbed.

Appetite Suppressants: Affects the appetite-regulating region of the brain. These diet pills decrease your appetite by increasing serotonin, a chemical in the brain that affects mood and appetite.

Over-the-counter Diet Pills: Widely available in your local drugstore, supermarket or online, OTC diet pills are monitored by the FDA for efficacy and product claims. Most OTC diet pills work by increasing your energy while boosting metabolism.

Herbal Diet Pills: Also available without a prescription, herbal diet pills found in health food and nutrition stores. Some of the ingredients in herbal diet pills are very powerful when engineered correctly. Some work better than prescription medications. take a look at www.SlimmingPillsOnline.net for great advice and recommendations on picking the best and safest slimming pills.

Research the different diet pills available to determine which are right for you. Avoid diet pills that make ‘sweeping claims’ because you may just end up disappointed with your results. Remember, in order to achieve sustainable weight loss while taking diet pills, you need to include a healthy eating plan and regular exercise. For more information on recommended diet pill sources, visit www.SlimmingPillsOnline.net

If you are interested in learning more about weight loss and weight loss supplements then please take a look at the following articles:

A Quick Guide To Slimming Supplements
Proactol and Ali Reviews – Which Slimming Pill Is Better For You?
The Safest Slimming Pills?

Posted on: August 11, 2009

Filed under: Nutrition

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