Mole Removal Treatments That Are All-Natural and Extremely Effective

11th April, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Natural Mole Removal Treatments

For the most part, mole removal usually is a cosmetic treatment solution because skin moles are normally harmless. Skin moles may have a level or elevated surface area and they can be removed utilizing a number of home remedies. These treatments usually includes applying a mildly acidic ingredient to the skin mole for a protracted period of time.

Smash cumin or coriander seed-stock into a heavy paste and put it on to the skin mole, ensuring that you don’t touch the nearby skin area with the paste. Keep the paste in place using an adhesive bandage. Put on a new bandage one or more times a day until the skin mole drops off.

Coriander usually takes a few days for total skin mole removal, while cumin needs a couple of weeks. Both of these seeds consist of a class of chemical compounds known as aldehydes, that will progressively kill skin cells.

Draw out the juices from bitter apples and apply it to the skin mole with a cotton ball. Continue this course of action 3 x every day for up to three weeks until the skin mole begins to diminish. This method is most effective on flat, dark skin moles. Bad apples have an all natural acid called malic acid that will eventually get rid of melanocytes.

You can also apply to pineapple juice to the surface of a flat skin mole with a cotton ball prior to going to sleep, and then wash it off completely when you wake in the morning. Repeat this mole removal treatment for a few nights until the skin mole fades away. This can work well with all citrus fruits, although pineapple is the most effective. The substances in citrus fruits include citric acid as well as other varieties of acids.

Adhere a smallish piece of pineapple to the skin mole if it happens to have a raised surface area. This approach works more quickly because the skin mole is actually in contact with the chunk of pineapple for an extended length of time. You can also make use of a fresh potato for this specific process. Taters as well as other plants in the nightshade family contain alkaloids, which are a class of acidic chemicals.

Slice a clove of garlic in two with a sharpened cutting knife to reveal the interior of the clove. Place the exposed end on top of the skin mole and bandage it in position. Keep the wrapping on while you sleep and get rid of it when you wake up. Continue this procedure for 72 hours in a row to get rid of your skin mole.

Garlic can also be put to use for mole removal in one day as long as you keep it in place at all times. The active ingredients in garlic cloves include a number of acidic elements that contain sulfur.

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Posted on: April 11, 2012

Filed under: Health

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