Malnutrition – Preventive Measures

25th February, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Contrary to general misconception, malnutrition is not just about being inadequately fed like those poor people in some parts of the world that is devastated by famine or individuals suffering from illness. But the truth is, malnutrition is a broad term which also refers to overnutrition.

Over nutrition is an excessive or unequal consumption of nutrients. Some obese people, for instance, can suffer from overnutrition given that they consume more than enough calories yet lack other nutrients to keep their body generally healthful. Seemingly physically fit people may also suffer this form of malnutrition to some degree [regardless of how they are well fed] if there is an imbalance of nutrition due to lack of ability of the body to absorb certain nutrients or a decreased ability to process a particular nutrients as in the case of metabolic syndrome. Another example is an over supplementation of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A which can become toxic to the body and may lead to serious health problems. Indiscriminate use of over-the-counter vitamins and mineral supplements can also cause imbalance of nutrients and so is improper diet.

Under nutrition, on the other hand, occurs when there is not enough quantity of one or more essential nutrients needed by the body in order to function or develop fittingly. The need to supply our body with certain amount of nutrients varies from different stages of life and also depends on our body’s metabolic processes. An example of this is an infant’s need of a higher amount of protein in order to develop as normal.

Under nutrition also occurs in the condition of post-surgical operation and chronic illness. These people need special amount of nutrients in order to recover and strengthen the immune system. Pregnancy also demands an increased supply of certain nutrients to keep themselves healthy as well as for the normal development of the baby.

As our body constantly requires adequate supply of nutrients, the amount needed for proper function and keeping oneself healthy varies from person to person; and as stated before, it also depends on our physical condition. Since malnutrition can occur to everybody in varying degrees, it is therefore important to consult a health professional for an advice on what proper action should be undertaken mainly for high-risk individuals such as expecting women and the elderly. Nevertheless, for most people, a simple rule about proper eating habit and elimination process can be followed in order to prevent malnutrition.

Proper Diet
Essentially, most of us know what proper diet means, yet proper diet without adequate amount of physical exertions in the form of exercise or regular brisk walk may compromise our health. On the other extreme, active physical exertion without enough supply of energy-producing nutrients can cause nutrition imbalance in the body. So there should be a balance between the two. As a general rule on proper diet, getting all the nutrients from fresh/natural foods is best. Avoid processed food as much as possible as they contain artificial substances that can be toxic to the body. Take enough amount of fresh water as well as natural fruit juice and avoid unnaturally sweetened refreshments like soda. Choose to gobble foods that have antioxidant properties and avoid taking any vitamin/mineral supplement unless prescribed by a health certified.

To combat malnutrition, it is important to know what condition is a well-nourished and strive to keep such state. Aside from deliverance from physical illness, signs of a well-nourished person are normal appetite, normal digestion, regular elimination and normal consistency of body wastes. Yet to ensure good health, a regular check up from a health professional is most advised.

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