Information on Intrauterine Insemination and Alternative Methods of Inducing Pregnancy

20th October, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many women who cannot have children because of various reasons look for methods that can help them conceive. One of the methods suggested is intrauterine insemination after a period of preparation. IUI is risky because it’s expensive and because there are few hospitals that offer the service. Lately, intrauterine insemination and other treatments have been in demand because of the growing number of single women who want to have babies without a male partner. Inducing pregnancy by IUI has a high chance of success.

Intrauterine insemination is a form of artificial insemination, where the sperm is introduced to the female reproductive tract for pregnancy. There are many pregnancy clinics that offer this service, but not all hospitals offer this. Technologically advanced methods and tools are also needed.

In history, this method has been used for the benefit of breeders of livestock. There must be a compatible male donor and the treatment must be done while the woman is ovulating. When a woman does not have an egg ready when IUI is done, there’s a chance that the operation will not be successful.

IUI can still be done even when the woman has trouble ovulating. The choice to go for the intrauterine insemination method may not be the ideal one if the woman’s body is not prepared. Only when the woman has a regular ovulation cycle can she undergo this procedure. Women with polycystic ovaries are at risk of not ovulating monthly. But like all infertility cases, there is always a probable solution. The woman can improve her nutrition and her hormone balance.

There are some fertility kits available for women who are suffering from PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome. What the components do is to maintain a healthy balance in the female body’s hormones.

Some sources say that the best way to get pregnant entails proper diet, massage and hormone therapy. When the hormone balance stabilizes, intrauterine insemination will be possible. As long as the body is in good condition and the reproductive cycle is healthy, it is possible to conceive. Therefore, women who are having difficulty in pregnancy can increase their success rate of iui with the natural fertility drugs.

Here’s a website that you can check out more information on:
What Is IUI
IUI Pregnancy

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Posted on: October 20, 2011

Filed under: Health

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