How Slimming Green Leaf Tea Stimulates The Metabolic Process & Enhances Weight Loss

9th October, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have a look at the labels of well-known diet or slimming supplements and you’d probably see green tea extract outlined among the ingredients.

Previously, lots of diet pills had been found to cause negative effects due to their artificial ingredients, and this may be the explanation why many individuals have chosen to go the natural way by using slimming teas such as green tea. Yes, you can surely shed the excess pounds with a cup or two of green tea every day. While it will not produce all the outrageous assertions stated by a whole lot of slimming aids like losing ten pounds per week, scientific facts suggest that green tea does block fat absorption and lets the body to burn off more calories.

Food products, especially fat and sugar, are processed into triglycerides in the small intestines and liver. It is then carried into the bloodstream to other cells in the body.

Triglyceride is quite necessary – it’s used as a resource for energy for life support and regular activities. The drawback occurs when there are actually surplus amounts of triglyceride, because then it’s transformed into fat which consequently causes obesity.

That’s where green tea enters in. It contains high levels of polyphenols which activate the enzyme that’s given the task of dissolving surplus triglyceride. Because triglycerides are wiped out rather than absorbed into the body, this results in more fat burned up using slimming green tea.

Green tea features powerful antioxidants that are contributing most of the health advantages of green tea. One of them in particular, epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG in short, has been found to energize the metabolism and accelerate weight loss.

EGCG, combined with the caffeine in green tea, stimulates the nervous system and causes fat to be released into the bloodstream for the body to use as fuel. The process of fat being utilized for energy is termed “thermogenesis”. The thermogenic properties of slimming teas help the body get rid of excess water, accounts for added energy while stimulating the system to lose more fat.

We all know how essential exercise is to reducing weight. Exercise keeps you up and about as it improves your vitality and burns calories adequately. Exercise additionally develops lean body mass and can also accelerate your metabolism even more. One more great thing about green tea is that the catechins induce the muscle cells and the liver to make use of fatty acids in your system. The ensuing effect is that you acquire more energy for your physical workouts.

When you’ve got better stamina, this simply means you can do more exercise and burn more calories. Exercise plus regular consumption of weight loss tea and unquestionably, you’ll get to your weight loss targets way quicker. Take a look at tava tea now and find out about one of the more dependable slimming tea brand names available for you out there.

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Posted on: October 9, 2011

Filed under: Health

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