Johnson & Johnson and The DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement System

8th September, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As a company, Johnson & Johnson is a name very familiar to everyone. This company have products that are most likely used by everyone daily. Actually, Johnson & Johnson’s products have been very helpful to us and not just with our day to day activities. This is the reason why a lot of people have been very alarmed on the number of lawsuits being filed because of defective Johnson & Johnson products.With this, we can see how Johnson & Johnson’s problem can be so serious. In fact, these Johnson & Johnson problems cannot be solely blamed on the most celebrated DePuy Hip Recall.

The DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement System

The issue that surrounds the DePuy ASR XL Acetabular Hip Replacment System is now very familiar to us. This particular has been reported to inflict a lot of pains on its users. After studies were conducted, it was confirmed that the device were defective. And to make the long story short, the DePuy ASR XL Acetabular Hip Replacement system was pulled out from the market.

Now, we all know how similar the function of the recalled prosthetic device and the new problematic device called the DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement System is. Pains have been reported by people who have been using this Pinnacle device. The reason for these pains was found out to be caused by the Pinnacle device itself because it was in fact defective.

Pinnacle Recall

Can we see a DePuy Pinnacle Recall happening soon now that we have seen how closely related the issues surrounding with Since the DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement system to the DePuy ASR XL Acetabular Hip Replacement system? The answer is no.

No one can say when a DePuy Pinnacle Recall will happen. Recalls have happened quite late for a couple of defective products and devices. The DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement System is just one of the many unrecalled products that are making a lot of people suffer. However, despite the absence of a recall, there are some people who have already filed a lawsuit against these manufacturers of defective products. Despite filing for a lawsuit, there is still importance for a DePuy Pinnacle Recall to happen. For more information, one can always consult a DePuy Pinnacle lawyer for people who do not know what to do with their problems.

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