Searching An Online Health Food Store For Whole Foods And Health Drinks Is A Smart Idea

7th September, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Being an online health food store owner, I am always searching for the top whole foods and health drinks. During the post holiday shopping season I decided it was safe to journey to the mall. It was effortless to park right in front of the largest health food store in the Universe. Not to mention any names, but it should suffice to say that many of the “health drinks” and supplements they promote are not very “high” in real serious nutrition.

While my wife shopped for clothes, I took the opportunity to contrast ingredient labels with those at our online health food store to find out what really made those super protein blasters and vitamin waters so popular that they needed this gigantic store. Maybe this field trip to the massive health food chain will help you avoid some of the ingredients that are anything but healthy in many of their products. Then, you’ll start to understand why an online health food store can be a smarter option for obtaining the best whole foods and health drinks.

Different from a naturally focused online health food store, the big health food store at the mall hypes those candy-colored, enhanced vitamin waters. The brilliantly colored bottles were everywhere, drawing people to low prices, bright colors, and the dream of a natural health drink that actually tastes good. It is unfortunate that these drinks are not much better than other convenience store products.

To begin with, the crystalline fructose (concentrated sugar) content in this particular vitamin water generated an unpleasant taste right away and the inescapable feeling that this was not healthy. Oh, and if your body could actually absorb the isolated vitamins infused into the water, you might get health drinks that are worth $1.50. However, isolated vitamins that are not attached to whole foods often break down before the body can use them for fuel. On my trip to this health food store I could easily see there were no whole foods in those flashy bottles of enhanced vitamin water.

These are a few of the other ingredients I uncovered on the labels that I steer away from when choosing whole foods and health drinks for our online health food store: crystaline fructose, high fructose corn syrup, and basically, anything with processed sugar, artificial sweeteners, Xylitol, Aspartame, saccharine, or modified corn starch. I also choose to steer away from “isolated” protein drinks. The body must work harder to break down most protein drinks because they are most always made from “isolated” protein, which causes congestion in the lymphatic system. Many fitness experts agree it is a myth that any human being needs the extremely high levels of protein in some of today’s modern muscle blasting health drinks. In fact, all that protein is doing more harm than good.

Excess protein and sugars are just a couple of the ingredients I make a point to avoid in my constant quest for whole foods and health drinks that are truly beneficial. What ingredients are you concerned about in your supplements? I hope you’ll have as much fun reading labels as I did at the massive health food store. In the meantime, investigate whole foods and health drinks at an online health food store.

Author Cliff Everett Smith is the CEO of, an online health food store that offers lots of free information regarding the best whole foods and health drinks available today.

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