Can Thinking Positively Make You Healthier?

9th August, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The impact of thoughts on the quality of our physical health has become a popular subject of study in the last few years. Almost all individuals focus their attention on facets of their health that are not as good as they would like.

How many times have you heard a person complain that they used to be able to do something without much effort, and now they are unable to find the energy? The fascinating question for individuals concerned about their health is whether changing their thoughts from negative to positive can improve how they feel. Below we’ll look at several situations in which positive thinking has been found to improve health.

The first thing to consider is how your thoughts are related to conditions like depression and stress. Depression is a delicate matter as some individuals say it is caused by a physical condition, while others are happy to consider psychological solutions. It’s best to include the unconscious mind in any treatment as most conditions cannot be resolved by simply “changing your mind.” From time to time, it may simply need some sort of rational thinking to put a situation into perspective, as most of the things we are worried about never turn out to be as bad as we believed. Most of our deepest beliefs and habits are controlled by our subconscious mind, and altering these calls for more than rational thinking. Visualization and hypnosis can be very effective in modifying beliefs and, if you do this, the long-term effects can be more powerful than using logic alone.

It is likewise true that positive thinking can affect our physical health, and you may already know about the placebo effect on those who feel ill. This is when individuals are given a pill which really does not have any healing value, and yet they claim to notice an improvement in how they feel. The belief in the power of the placebo shows how the mind affects the body, and this power can be used to help individuals recover from sicknesses faster. The mind likewise affects our physical stamina and can be harnessed to attain greater degrees of fitness. A historic example of this is when the four minute barrier for running the mile was broken, which had been regarded as unachievable up to that point. With the breaking of the supposed “barrier”, numerous other runners followed, and currently the record is about 3:43.

The effects of process of aging are likewise influenced by how we think about the process. Once more, the language you hear from numerous individuals as they grow older is based on not being able to do things, and that aches and pains are unavoidable. Nonetheless, the knowledge we now have in the field of longevity demonstrates that you can counter these effects and lead a very active life into your later years. The fact that numerous individuals decide not to must be based on mindset and not having a positive outlook on what they can do.

So, why not use the power of positive thinking to improve your health and to reach the fitness and health goals that you set for yourself.

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