List of Grounds for Man Boobs?

29th July, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Gynecomastia can be a situation in which a guy evolves female breasts. The uncharacteristic increase in chest size is due to excessive proliferation of fatty or glandular tissue making a rather pendulous contour. It takes place in about 90% of the man people quite often experienced alone as a direct consequence of disgrace or anxiety about make fun of.

There are a number ofreasons that can induce gynecomastia, consists of hormones, medication, recreational drugs, certain illnesses and obesity. On this page, we’re going to look into each of these factors in order to better know how they work and to give you tips on ways to avoid them.

1. Hormones

Both women and men have the hormones testosterone and estrogen on their system, however both of them are respectively prevalent in both sexes. This is often mostly apparent for the period of puberty when there’s a substantial hormonal imbalance, bringing on estrogen overriding the levels of testosterone in males. This stimulates excessive development of the glandular tissues of the breast, building a more feminine-like structure.

In this case, doctors would often advice these boys to wait patiently once they pass puberty beforeturning to surgery, because 90% of the time the gynecomastia reduces.

2. Medications

Some medications have uncomfortable side effects which also leads to breast tissues to grow, consists of: antidepressant/antipsychotic medications, anti-androgens, antineoplastic (anti-cancer) drugs, antihypertensives/cardiotonics and products and steroids.

Antipsychotic drugs that can help encourage gynecomastia include haloperidol, phenytoin and phenothiazines. Antidepressantsfor instance Valium have been connected to cause breast type tissue proliferation in males. Anti-androgen drugs prescribed to treat prostate challenges including cancer have the same unfortunate side effects, and these include finasteride, cyproterone and flutamide. Some cancer treatments, especially alkylating agents that inhibit cancer cell growth, also cause the contributing hormonal imbalances. Cardiotonics like digitalis and antihypertensives for instance lisinopril and analapril as well as continuous utilization of steroid drugs slowly promotes gynecomastia.

Other medications for instance anti-ulcers (e.g. Cimetidine, Omeprazole) and some antibiotics (Metronidazole) also increase the potential risk of acquiring gynecomastia.
If you happen to find symptoms that you may be developing gynecomastia after taking medications, then you certainly musttell you physician immediately. Doing this will help him to give you other various brands or medications that doesn’t produce this side effect.

3. Illegal Drugs

Illegal drugs like heroin, marijuana and amphetamines have also been connected to gynecomastia, especially among adults. Even substantial intake of alcohol may cause increased breast type tissue production. You must avoid or stop using any of these recreational drugs if you don’t want the potential risk of developing moobs.

4. Illnesses

Some medical conditions may also cause gynecomastia, for instance with the case of thyrotoxicosis where estrogen and testosterone binding changes bringing on secondary female characteristics. Cirrhosis, which is a liver ailment that is commonly brought on by alcohol, promotes increased materials for peripheral tissue aromatase which consequently causes gynecomastia. Other conditions which are connected to the causes are Kallman Syndrome, Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism, Androgen Resistance Syndrome and Kleinfelter Syndrome. Discussing these considerations together with your physician will help that allows him to give you appropriate preventive or treatment measures for Gynecomastia.

5. Obesity

When you don’t take control of your diet and bask in an unhealthy food binge you’re putting yourself vulnerable to developing what you would call “pseudogynecomastia”. Unlike the true gynecomastia, this type is only brought on by the excessive proliferation of fatty tissue in the chest. However with right diet and exercise, it is possible to stay away from acquiring this condition.

These are just a few examples among the number of gynecomastia causes out there. If you think that you are predisposed it is best that you discuss it with a doctor. To learn more about various cures available, please visit

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