Arteries Plaque – How Can You Remove It

3rd June, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Arteries Plaque will definitely trigger signs and symptoms of angina. How can these plaques develop? And how are you going to eliminate them? Let’s discover it out here.

Hardening or build up of Arteries Plaque of the heart is called arthrosclerosis in health phrase. The plaques develop because of the build up of fats within the arterial walls. They are later on calcified and the artery narrows thus influencing the blood circulation to the body parts particularly the heart.

In severe cases, the plaque could totally obstruct the artery and complications may arise. The oxygen carried in the blood are unable to go to the body parts such as the heart and the brain. It could lead to tissue death that could result in heart attack or stroke.

Hardening of the arteries is a continuing process that could begin when you were young. Individuals with a family history of arthrosclerosis have a great risk in having this disease. Smoking and use of cocaine also contributes as a factor for having arthrosclerosis. The condition could rapidly intensify in ages 20-30 and is becoming more severe when you arrive at 40 or 50.

Signs and symptoms of angina include chest pain and body malaise. It’s usually felt as heaviness, tightening or compressing of the chest radiating to the left shoulders. Angina occurs in periods of overexertion, psychological stress or depression, or after having a large meal.

Kinds of angina include stable and unstable angina. Stable angina has signs and symptoms which are predictable. It lasts for just 5 minutes or less. It is relieve by relaxation or taking a nitroglycerin. Unstable angina is a more severe problem. The angina attack cannot be predicted and it lasts for an extended period. It is an indication that you need to immediately contact your doctor or go to a clinic. It is often an indication of a pending heart attack.

There are several managements available for signs and symptoms of angina apart from nitroglycerin. Nitroglycerin is the common drug of choice for angina pain. It comes in sublingual tablets or patches. It works by lowering the blood pressure and decreases the oxygen demand of the heart muscles.

It also functions as a pain reliever since it calms the heart tissues too. Medical and surgical treatments are the typical treatments for this disease. There are also natural supplements and alternative medicine in the market. You just need to choose right.

Experiencing chest discomfort doesn’t necessarily indicate you have a heart condition. Other disorders which are confused as angina signs and symptoms include anxiety, heart burn and indigestion. It is much better to know your real situation, that’s why consulting your doctor is the best prevention.

If you’re reading this write-up, you may have a heart condition. Or you are just looking for some information. Whether yes or no, it is necessary that you should know this disease. Being accustomed with the warning signs is like saving your own life. Don’t allow the signs and symptoms of angina take your happiness and adventures. Avoiding the arteries plaque is your main objective.

If you are looking for a natural angina treatment that work, we recommend you to check out Angirx. Angirx is an EDTA Chelation products that mixed EDTA and extremely effective herbs to sweep your arteries squeaky clear by removing arterial plaque that built up on your arteries wall. Source:Angioprim

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