Diabetics Locate Sugar Substitute By Sophisticated Syrups As Xylitol Base Syrups

5th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Simple Ways of Diabetes Prevention – Sugar Substitute

The number of adults being diagnosed with diabetes is rapidly increasing and, other than genetic factors, the causes are all generally the same. American adults do not get nearly enough exercise and their meals are massive with fat-filled and sweet foods. Since it is incurable, doctors and scientists agree diabetes prevention can save your life.

The first step in cutting the chances of developing diabetes is a simple process. Reducing body fat and becoming less sedentary is a smart choice for everyone, but in particular diabetics. Just thirty minutes of moderate exercise a day will lead to more balanced blood sugar counts and lowered blood pressure, a decreased percentage of body fat, and better circulation – all important facets of diabetes prevention or management.

The second step is sometimes harder. Reducing portion sizes and changing dietary habits is another vital step in diabetes prevention. Diabetics require foods and ingredients that either have no affect on blood sugar levels or essentially stabilize levels.

There are quite a few glucose-neutral foods to enhance the diabetic’s choices. Beans and dairy foods are fiber-rich, vitamin D, and calcium, all of which aid in maintaining blood sugar levels and fat burning. Salmon and tuna add omega-3 fatty acids that provide better circulation and stabilize insulin response. Foods with barley and oats are fiber rich which makes you feel fuller and the hulled varieties help reduce cholesterol. Nature’s own candy, dates and berries are rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants and high in fiber, and actually increase good cholesterol while lowering blood pressure.

A smart way to eliminate glycemic response is to add foods with Xylitol. You can get Xylitol in many fruits and vegetables. It is widely added to chewing gums due to Xylitol’s ability to raise alkaline levels, which fights plaque.

Xylitol has almost no caloric value and does not alter glucose|There are little or no calories in Xylitol and it has no glycemic response|Xylitol is glucose-neutral and virtually no calories}, so diabetics can treat themselves with no danger of blood glucose issues. Xylitol is metabolized at a slow rate by the body and actually stabilizes blood sugar levels, helping to eliminate the highs and lows of the diabetic experience.

In the past, many have doubted the safety of imitation or non-nutritive sweeteners, even those made directly from pure sugar. So you could wonder: Is Xylitol safe? Very much so. Rats given massive amounts of some imitation sweeteners have developed cancers, and there are plenty of unsubstantiated stories of sweeteners that supposedly cause all manner of sickness.

The facts are that Xylitol has been found safe and approved by the FDA, it is widely accepted as a beneficial addition to a diet. In very high doses, study subjects have reported some stomach soreness or other gastrointestinal conditions, but again, those issues pale in comparison to the diabetes prevention benefits of Xylitol. Find Naturally Sweet Products at http://www.sophisticatedsyrups.com/natural-sweetener

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Posted on: April 5, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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