How Motion Gaming Changed My Body

28th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

My life right now is about being a student. I was taking a class that required me to do a project that would last for the whole semester. The project involved making a major change in your life and the impact it has. Most of my classmates were going to research the effect of what happened to others. They were going to see how people felt about their alternate lifestyles. I decided to go another route. I would write about how I felt if I made a change. The only question was, how would I do that?

It was easy for me to see in the mirror that I had a weight problem. I was surrounded by temptations that caused me to do things that I probably should not do and it showed up in the way that I look. Because of the way that I looked, I decided it was time to devote myself to a lifestyle that would make me healthier. It was time for me to make the right choices to get fit and trim.

The key to making this change was to know what I was going to change. I was going to do it in a new way that many people tout and that is through the use of video games that involve motion control like the xbox 360 kinect or the Nintendo Wii, or the Playstation Move that seem to have become commonplace in just about anyone who has a children now have in their home and has become popular with people of all ages.

The many different fitness games that are available became my fitness choice. I would document the results and write my paper on whether it worked for me or not. This was going to be a four month project for me. It was not enough time to get a perfect body, but it should do something. I do not think I ever expected the results that I got.

I found a fitness game for my system and started the program. My laptop gave me a place to store my thoughts and the actual results I got. The game also made a few recommendations about eating and I did some research about what a healthy diet is. Making those changes in the environment I was in was not as difficult as I though it would be. It was all a matter of looking in the right places. The key was knowing what to put in my body and what I should avoid. One thing I knew that would have to change is the amount of partying that I would do, but this turned out to be a blessing because it created more time for me to start using the kinect system that I had on a regular basis because I was not either hanging out with friends in a bar or sleeping off the effects of those late nights.

As the semester went on, I began to see some results. I noticed that my waist size was getting smaller. I felt more energized than I ever had. Getting trim was only one of the benefits I was receiving. My mind was benefiting from what I was doing as well. They were also changing the way that I was doing other things. People on campus that I had ignored before were now a group that I enjoyed being with. I was meeting more girls than ever before. I had the confidence with females that I never dreamed of. I found out that both males and females can have fun with video games. I based my paper on these findings. My work was as good as my body and I got an A.

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