Unlock Secrets To Natural Eye Care

24th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Are you looking for natural eye care tips that work? Every year, millions of people are suffering from one eye discomfort to another, often the result of working long hours every single day. Maybe this is one drawback with the way our work life is changing, but that does not mean you are not entitled to better eye health.

Taking care of your eyes is important to do your job well. If you are a photographer, you definitely need to have a strong and healthy vision to capture images. If you work online, the more likely it is that you need to have good eyesight to read different data and information from the internet. With the digital lives that most of us are living, we cannot escape the fact that we simply need a pair of good eyes to help us get by.

Listed below are the secrets to natural eye care that will help us take good care of our vision.

1. Eat food rich in vitamins and minerals.

It is easy to take care of your eyes if you just eat good food like fruits and vegetables. These are great source of vitamins, minerals as well as antioxidants necessary to maintain healthy cells in our eyes. Example of vegetables that you need to consume on a daily basis are arugula, spinach, turnip greens, kale, watercress, broccoli, green and red bell peppers, lettuce, sweet potatoes and carrots.

In addition to that, it is recommended to eat vitamin A enriched foods as a good way to take care of your eyes. This is common information that vitamin A is well known in maintaining healthy eyesight, especially if you are challenged to see things clearly at night or are using prescribed eyeglasses.

2. Drink enough water.

Want to have brighter eyes and keep a healthy vision? Make sure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to keep your body hydrated. Doing so can also help you see things clearly.

3. Take some time to rest.

Hit the sack as soon as your eyes say so. You may have a different sleeping pattern than others, but this is not an excuse to give your eyes the needed break to function well. Close your eyes to perform eye exercises for two minutes for a quick eye relaxation activity in between tasks. Always remember that it is best to give your eyes longer time to relax by getting enough sleep regularly.

4. Use the recommended eyeglasses on a daily basis

Do you have reading eyeglasses? Why not use it while you are in front of your computer while typing or surfing online? Use the same pair as well while you are reading so you can read the texts well. Also, wearing high UV protected shades can take care of your eyes by not getting too much sun exposure as you go out during the day. So always remember to wear proper eyeglasses to maintain healthy eyesight and prevent eye strain.

5. Go to your ophthalmologist on a regular basis

When was the last one you paid your ophthalmologist a visit? Go to your eye doctor for a much needed consultation especially if you experience some eye irritation that has been persistent for a week or two. Be ready to have a complete eye check up and tell him if you have used some eye products and or did some activities that might have caused these possible eye related concerns. Remember that you also have to do this if you are wearing prescription eyeglasses for vision correction. Please take note that having a thorough eye check up is necessary part of natural eye care habit to maintain a clear and healthy vision.

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Posted on: March 24, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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